Escarpment Magazine Fall 2012
Hydration -
Begin your evening well hydrated {at least half your body weight
in ounces of water, through the day} and then alternate each alcoholic beverage
with a glass of water throughout the social function. Yes, you can use your martini
glass to hold the water… with a lemon zest garnish!
Smart Eating -
Control undesired over-indulgence with a couple of easy habits.
Cocktail party:
eat some vegetables and protein prior to leaving the house. Foods
at these parties are often of the richer variety; eating nourishing foods prior to the
event will help moderate your lunges at the passing trays.
Dinner party:
remember to chew more than chatter; digestion begins in your
mouth. Also, wait at least 10minutes after your plate is empty before deciding to
go back for seconds; it takes your body at least this long to register whether it is
satiated. This is how you prevent the need to loosen your belt a notch beneath
the table.
Digestion -
If all the rich food is likely to give you heartburn once in bed, try 1-
tsp apple cider vinegar when you get home after the party; swish then swallow
yes, it will taste bad!} This vinegar will help stimulate your digestion and in most
cases prevent heartburn.
Activity -
Don't allow your social schedule to interfere with your hard-fought-for
exercise routine. Continue to make time for activity and your body will reward
you. Exercise moves your lymphatic system, releases endorphins, helping not only
with morning-after recovery but also preventing those fondue calories from over-
staying their welcome.
Hangover? -
The above habits will be good for avoiding such a situation, but
if the inevitable does occur, keep on hand a bottle of burdock root {Arctium lappa}
tincture. Two teaspoons of this will have you resuming normal life in no time!
Now go out and create pain-free memories of the holidays ahead!
We are in the season of celebrations; book-ended
by Thanksgiving & New Year's, with Halloween,
Hanukkah and Christmas sprinkled in between.
Good times! These events are often associated
with rich foods and alcoholic libations… to which
you may be repeating the response ‘Good times!’
or it may sound more like ‘Oh, the hangover’ or
even ‘Oh, the dreaded bathroom scale.’
Sound familiar?
With a few simple actions you can make it
through this ‘holiday season’ with as little resid-
ual insult to your body as possible, while still par-
taking in the merriment.
naturopathic care
your 5 key tools to make
it to the New Year...
still feeling great!