Page 28 - Escarpment Magazine - Spring 2012

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Escarpment Magaz ine Spr ing 2012
Another wow factor was the replacement of the outdated gas fireplace, which had pre-
viously been situated along an end wall in the dining room, surrounded by pine shelv-
ing. In that position, it burned only for the eyes of those sitting in front of it and placement
of a furniture grouping was awkward.
By building a new, more modern fireplace into the corner, the flames of the Valor Ra-
diant Gas Fireplace unit, purchased through B&R Stove Shop of Nottawa, can be
seen and enjoyed throughout the entire great room as it spreads warmth with energy
efficient heat distribution. A 65 square foot stone wall, from City Stone in Thornbury
and installed by stone mason Walter Campbell of Clarksburg, finishes the look. The
effect is stunning. It is a dramatic focal point, pulling the interior finishes together and
adding balance to the weight of the materials used in the kitchen. The gained space
at that end of the room now provides a perfect setting for comfortable, conversation
seating or as a quiet spot to curl up by the fire with a great book.
fireplace/book shelf wal l - before
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