Escarpment Magaz ine Spr ing 2012
What does a makeover mean to you? A cute hair cut and new spring
wardrobe are fabulous ways to officially come out of hibernation. But
do you want more? Are you after smooth, clear, radiant skin and long,
lean, strong muscles to rock that new sun dress? Perhaps you’d like to
accessorize your new look with more energy, less stress, better sleep and
squeaky clean arteries? After all, healthy is the new black.
While you can’t reinvent yourself overnight, you can
achieve real improvements in your personal appear-
ance and health when you make thoughtful shifts in your
diet. No expensive serum or fad diet can make you look as
good as healthy feels. After all, true beauty comes from within
and good nutrition is the real fountain of youth.
The process of self improvement need not end when you step out of the
salon. Make your kitchen a focal point in your efforts to be your best self
this spring. Toss processed foods in favour of fresh, wholesome in-
gredients. Clear away the tempting comfort foods
of winter to make room for fresh vitality. Supercharge
your diet with these sexy superfoods:
Hemp Hearts -
If you associate hemp with peace,
love and happiness, rest assured that hemp hearts will not get you
high. While these little gems come from the Cannabis plant, they
are totally legal and will not lead to mind-altering experiences.
Hemp hearts are high in protein, omega 3 fatty acids, fibre, B
vitamins and magnesium. That’s a lot of feel good nutrition to
energize and beautify your whole body. Supercharge your breakfast
smoothie by adding hemp hearts. Sprinkle them over salads, yogurt and
oatmeal. Your skin, hair, brain and heart will thank you.
Get high! On hemp’s nutritional value, that is. Visit manitobaharvest.com for recipes.
Quinoa -
Pronounced “keen-wah”, this amazing grain comes from South America. Quinoa is gluten free, high in protein,
easy to prepare, versatile and totally delicious. It’s a fantastic substitute for rice and oats because it’s
a complete protein. It’s also high in fibre, magnesium and iron which means it packs a
serious nutritional punch for your bowels, muscles and red blood cells. Enjoy
quinoa of different varieties in place of boring rice to impress your dinner
guests. Combine quinoa with beans and veggies for an energizing and up-
lifting lunch. Toss that terrible high carbohydrate break-
fast cereal and do your waistline
a favour by waking up to
hot quinoa. Garnish with
nuts, berries, ground cin-
namon and you’re ready
to take on the day.
Get hooked up! Find
quinoa at JACS in
Stayner and the 100
Mile Store in Creemore.