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Escarpment Magaz ine Summer 2012
you’re just getting started with BHRT–TruBalance Healthcare in Canada provides a comprehensive
package of individualized services - Their extensive team will work with you and your Medical Doctor
(MD), providing medical education, lab testing, and information needed to make the best therapeutic
decisions for you as an individual. Afterall, your DNA is individual - Why shouldn’t your hormone ther-
apy be unique to you?
TruBalance recognizes that your hormone profile and the way you respond to hormone therapy are
as unique as your fingerprint. TruBalance Healthcare are the “Natural Hormone Experts” in Canada.
In fact, they are the only company in Canada with a comprehensive BHRT program, including a Physi-
cians Network across Canada for patients, continuing medical education for healthcare providers, ed-
ucational seminars for consumers and the latest in leading laboratory technology.
The Trubalance Clinical Program offers baseline hormone measurement via saliva and blood testing,
where analytical measurement is used to determine a baseline profile of your hormone levels. Estradiol,
Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Adrenals and a four point Cortisol (4pts/ 24hr period) evaluation
is recommended for women; Estradiol, Testosterone, DHT, DHEA, and Cortisol for men. Individual hor-
mone, adrenal and thyroid testing plus Urine NTx: Boneloss Assessment are also available.
To start the process, you will need to speak to your Medical Doctor (MD) about having your hormone
levels tested. If you are seeing an MD who does not agree with BHRT then please call us for a direct re-
ferral to an MD in your area who practices BHRT & Testosterone Therapy.
If you are dealing with your own MD they will have to order either blood or saliva testing. TruBalance
Healthcare offers both blood and saliva test kits through our lab. The kits are mailed directly to the
MD’s office with sample collection instructions. The kits are returned with your specimen samples to
TruBalance Healthcare in Canada. Once your samples are analyzed, a technician at the lab receives
your test results and sends them to your MD. Your MD then sets up a second appointment with you to
review your lab results and customized hormone treatment plan.
Follow-up hormone testing is suggested at the 3 month mark after you have started your treatment. An-
nual estradiol, progesterone, testosterone hormone testing is done for women, and estradiol, testos-
terone testing for men. Retesting at 3 months is important, as it will help you and your MD fine-tune your
individualized hormone therapy and avoid the side effects and health risks of under or overdosing.
TruBalance Healthcare also offers Continuing Medical Education (CME) Symposiums for physicians
and licensed healthcare providers. Clinical takeaways from the TruBalance Healthcare BHRT Sympo-
siums include discussions on clinical treatment protocols using BHRT for age management, overall health
& wellness and disease prevention and in treating PMS, menopause, fibroids, fibrocystic breast, en-
dometriosis, osteoporosis and for breast cancer prevention, ordering and interpreting lab tests, and
testosterone therapy for men. New education for 2012 The HCG Diet.
Healthcare providers will learn how to use blood or saliva testing to determine adrenal function, diag-
nose hormonal imbalances and thyroid dysfunction. Discussions will cover case studies including the
use of the bio-identical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone with hormone profiles for different hor-
monal imbalance states. Women's Health Initiative findings and theMillionWomen Study and its clinical
implications are also covered.
The BHRT Program will help you feel like yourself again, even through the ups and downs of hormonal
change. With accurate testing, MD’s can track and monitor your hormone levels over time so therapy
can be adjusted sooner rather than later.
Watch for the next BHRT Seminar for the public in your area. Check the website for dates
For more information: TruBalance Healthcare Inc. (Canada Direct: 647.884.0663 |
for Men
& Women
Does your life seem
out of balance?
Are you dealing
with symptoms of
andropause, weight
gain, low libido,
memory loss, night
sweats, hot flashes,
sleepless nights,
fatigue, depression,
low muscle mass,
anxiety, and thyroid
and adrenal issues?
BHRT could help
you “feel like
yourself again!”
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