Escarpment Magaz ine Summer 2012
There are two trails leading from the parking lot into the forest. Neither
are Bruce Trail, but they both take you to the same spot and connect
with the Bruce about 100 meters in. As soon as you hit the old growth
forest you will come to an intersection with the main tract of the Bruce
Trail (marked with white blaze) and the Metcalfe Crevice Side Trail
(marked with Blue Blaze). If you're up for a bit of climbing, take the side
trail to the left which creates a short 450 meter loop with the main tract
of the Bruce. It is from this trail that you can access most of the caves in
the area. Before we began the "Sectioning the Bruce" series, I did a
story for our Fall 2009 issue on the caves themselves. If you would like
a guided tour of sorts, you can access that story on our website. Just
click the "Bruce Trail" drop down menu and select "Journey to the Cen-
ter of the Escarpment". However for this installment we are going to stay
above ground and follow the Bruce as it winds its way through the
crevice and pops out on the side of a steep climb and connects with the
main tract.
bruce t ra i l - me t ca l f e c rev i ce