Escarpment Magaz ine Summer 2012
Follow the white blaze left as the trail climbs
up the side of Metcalfe Rock. You can feel the
temperature increase as you leave the
crevice, but soon enough you will be out in an
open breeze to cool you off once again.
There are many little side trails that branch off
the Bruce, some leading to small openings that
look west over the headwaters of Kolapore
Creek and the Beaver Valley. The views are
truly remarkable. Have fun exploring the off
chutes, but be careful as there are many
crevices and it is a long drop to the bottom. It
is easy to get off course so keep your eyes
peeled for the white blaze markers painted on
the trees about ever 10 - 20 meters.
Continue along the Bruce and you will come
to an intersection marked with blue blaze.
Take the Chuck Grant Side Trail to the left and
follow it as it begins to descend down the
north side of Metcalfe Rock. The forest
changes from Deciduous to Coniferous trees
with the pine needles creating a brown carpet
along the forest floor and cedar trees blotting
out the sun's rays. You will eventually come
across another crevice and find yourself climb-
ing through an interesting rock formation.
Keep a look out for the blue blaze as the
trail winds its way up, over and through the
massive boulders. The Chuck Grant side
Trail pops out on the 10
Line and you can
follow the road back to the parking lot. With
stopping to take photos, the hike took us
about an hour. However if you want to thor-
oughly explore the caves you can easily
spend an entire afternoon. Just remember
to bring a couple of flashlights and, as al-
ways, ‘pack out what you pack in’.
bruce t ra i l - me t ca l f e c rev i ce