Escarpment Magaz ine Spr ing 2012
There's no doubt
about the at-
traction of a natural swimming
pond and the idyllic visions of rope
swings, picnics and lazy Huck Finn
kind of days. Today’s "natural"
swimming ponds are actually care-
fully designed and constructed.
The water is cleaned by the sur-
rounding plants but often the ponds
also require pumps and aeration to
give nature a little assist. Even so, a
well-constructed swimming pond
displays no evidence of the plumb-
ing that allows its owner to enjoy
all the fun. Apart from esthetics, the
real advantage of the swimming
pond is the minimal maintenance
required — there's no need for chlo-
rine or other chemicals. In other
words, it's as close to swimming in
a lake as one can get without actu-
ally swimming in a lake.
Enjoy a quick tour of two ponds
that were created by Scott Parks
but look like they were designed
by Mother Nature herself.
br e a s t s t roke
s i de s t roke
f anc y d i v i ng t oo . . .
swimming ponds