Following a few simple tips about selecting and
storing the fruit, will ensure your appleswill always
be as delicious as they are good for you.
Look forbruises... appleswitheven small bruisesmust neverbe stored
with "keepers."Onlyperfect apples shouldbeused for long-term storage
sinceevenminor imperfections can speed spoilage.
Check for ripeness... flickanapplenear its stem— if the sound ishollow,
theapple isabit too ripe,whereasadull thud,meansyou’ve foundperfectly
ripe fruit.
Placingapples in thevegetabledrawerof your refrigeratormeans they’ll
last about two to threeweeks. If youwant tokeep them fora longerperiod,
almost anykindof applewill keep for threeor fourmonths, or even longer, if
storedproperly. It's cheapandeasy todo.All youneed isnewspaper, abox
orabasket.A root cellar isoptional, but not necessary. Prevent contact
betweenapples stored for thewinterbywrapping them individually in
quartered sheetsof newspaper.Avoid sectionsprintedwithcolored ink,
whichcouldcontainpoisonousheavymetals.Don’tworryabout excluding
air. Just twist thepaper hardenough so it doesn't comeunwrappedbefore the
applesareplaced intoabox. Thisprevents contact betweenapples, so just
one rottenapplewon't spoil thewholebunch. Boxedapplesneed tobekept
inacool, dark spotwhere theywon't freeze. Locations suchasanunheated
basement, apantry, anenclosedporchoranunheatedattic shouldbe just
fineandyou’ll enjoyyour ‘appleaday’ allWinter long.