LaurenMcKay of Stoney Creek, Ontario
was merely 12 years old
when shewon the2015OntarioProvincialChampionships inU14 snowboard
racing. Shortlyafter her bigwinMcKaywas invited to theCanadianNational
Championships inQuebec, but declined theoffer as shewouldbe competing
against girlswhoare twoyearsolderandconsiderably stronger: a toughpill to
swallow for thisup-and-coming snowboardingphenom.
“Itwasabig fish, littlepond thing,”explainsher father TodMcKay,onwhy Lau-
ren opted tomiss theCanadianNational Championships. “Shewasn’t ready,
sowedecided towait ayear.”
Nowat13yearsofage, Lauren feelsshe is ready togoall theway.Shehasher
sights set ona repeat victoryat theOntarioProvincialChampionships in2016
and hopes to earn another invitation to compete at the CanadianNational
Championships. Agood result at aprestigious event like TheNationalswould
put her on the radar of theNational team: amust if she isgoing to reachher ul-
timateendgoal of competing in the2022OlympicWinterGames inBeijing.
Lauren began skiingat Alpine Ski Clubat the age of two.Within a few short
years shewas leaning towards the snowboarding sideandquicklybecameen-
amoredwith the speedand intensity that comes alongwith competitive snow-
boarding.SoonLaurenwas trainingeight toninehoursadayandbeganseeing
success,withnumerouspodiums inOntarioand theNortheasternUnitedStates.
By2014Laurenwas ranked in the top20ofall femalesnowboard racers inher
agecategory inbothSlalomandGS.
LaurenattendsGrade8and is in the "giftedprogram." In theoffseason, she’sa
competitive runner,whichhelps her stay in shape. Lauren isalsoonherway to
becomingacertified lifeguard, and spendsher free timevolunteeringat a local
pool.Not one tobepigeonholed, not onlydoes Lauren have her sights set on
theOlympics, shealsoplans toattendUniversityand tobecomeaClinical Psy-
Certainly thisgirl isbright, athleticanddriven.Watchout for LaurenMcKayas
sheclimbs the ranks inCanadianSnowboardRacing.
story | cara williams
photo | Tod mcKay
Bright, athletic and driven...
watch out for LaurenMcKay
as she climbs the ranks in
Canadian SnowboardRacing.