ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE Winter 2017 - page 96

As if remembering thatmid-century furniture
could lack the cozy factor,we found some
manufacturers at the High Point market
over-compensatingwhen they tried toadd
comfort to itemssuchassofas.Where theoriginal1960’sdesignhadaslabof foamsohard
youperchedon the seat,bycontrast, thenewversionof the same stylewas so soft you sunk
downuntil youpracticallynibbledonyourkneesandneededahelpinghand togetup. The
Barcelona chair has elegant lines but it dictates how youwill sit in it – samewithall those
teak basedScandinavian chairs – lovely sculptural shapes but you don’t curl up in one. I
askedone furniture rephow longheexpected themid-century revival to lastandhisanswer
wasa fewmoreyearsasamain stayand thenasanaccent.
Therewereelements of mid-easterndesign—a laMoroccoor tres Tibetan—with interesting
details andwood textures; piercedmetal and forged grates —again the ‘rescued’ look
showed everywhere. Rich colour andgorgeous fabrics excited the eye. Artisan andwell
travelled in feel—thesepieces canaddahumanizing touch tomidcenturymodernismor fit
Industrial is still happening– it does suit the reclaimed factory loft condo toa tee–another
example of architecture influencing interior design. Therewere also very classical pieces
displayedagainst deconstructedwalls for sublimecontrast.
Artworkwas large scaleandgreat fun– turnof thecenturyphotosof buffalo inagiant for-
mat, bearswere everywherewhether grizzlies, black bears or sleepingbears that were
again inphotographsor handpaintedon roughwood.
My favouritewood for casegoods remainswormymaple– I find clearmaple tooperfect,
almost boring.Witha light driftwood stain thewormymaplehas several shades thatwork
equallywell with other wood tones or into various greys complimentinganything nearby
Wood furniture featured several different constructionmethods – slatted like shutters, the
ever present shaker;metered; inlaid; hobnailed; carved; curved;withdentil detail, and fin-
ishedwithgreat careor no careat all; limed; distressed, lacqueredor painted. Again the
metal workerswere busymaking fine bases and fixtures that showedGreek key designs
andgeodesicdome shapes.
CabinchicandCaliforniacoastaldécorwasnext toultramodorBritishuppercrust.Symmetry
isbackwithmatchingnight standsor bookcases flankingmatchingend tableseither sideof
a sofa. Contrasts,whether through theuseof colour,materialsor stylesadds interest.
We loved theUttermost vignette featuringapair of Italian leather club chairs in vivid teal
witha small martini tableall placed in front of anover- scaledpaintingof waves. Several
furniture companies areaddingamore refined, better quality, almost classical line to their
regular stylings.Oneexample is theRevelationcollectionbyUttermost.
Sowhat is trending for2017?Well, justabouteverythingandanything. Feel free tomixand
match.Don’thesitate tousematchingend tables, forexample, toachievesomesymmetrybe-
cause ithelpscreatebalanceandkeepchaosatbay. I remainaproponentof injectingcolour
butuseone thatyoupersonally like (checkingoutyourclosetor favouritepieceofartusually
revealsoneor in thecaseof Pantone, nine). Still keep the largepiecesneutral for versatility.
Don’t be seduced just bygood looks—opt for functionandcomfort too.
Enjoy life—furnishwell.
decor trends
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