Summer 2012
Escarpment Magaz ine
Trillium's future lies in its ability to "continue to grow stronger," says Lori
Shaw. "We are bringing in more numbers than ever. People are trav-
eling from other communities to show in our circuit." Jennifer Gray
agrees with this, "It's rewarding to see new faces, more people coming
from other places."
But it's not just about numbers. Trillium is dedicated to having grass-
roots and non-core classes for adults just learning to ride and show.
They're creating new divisions all the time to appeal to a wider range
of students, and even offer rider development funds. "Trillium is great
because it keeps competition affordable," Val says.
I know from experience that winning isn't everything, and I could tell
that these kids at the show knew it too. Showing is in part about com-
petition, and in part about attaining personal bests. Kids who don't win
are still smiling at the end of the day and it's equally rewarding for their
family and friends. It's never too late to get involved in equestrian;
young kids benefit from learning life skills and adults get to finally fol-
low up on a childhood dream.
Natalia DeHass