of the escarpment
editor’s note
Andall things thatwhisperSpring!Thesounds, thesmells, the tastes,
theexcitement.We’regiddywith thevery ideaof it all—new life, transformingvistasanddays
brimmingwith soft possibilities. Thechange isdramatic. Thechange isembraced. Thechange
is justwhatwehavebeen longing for,waiting forandexpecting.
Change isoftenadaunting thought. Some regard it as fearful, others see it as inevitable.Most
often it is consideredwitha senseof caution—especially if thechange isof one’sownmaking.
This issue isallabout change.Deliberatechoices tomake improvements inour lives. It’sanop-
portunity for the Escarpment
team to highlight some of the amazingly talentedpeoplewho
liveandpractice theircrafts righthereon theEscarpment.Achance tospotlightbusinessesand
showoff just exactlyhowgood theyare. You’ll beamazedat the transformations.
In this issue,wealso tackle the topicof changes that areadverselyaffectingour environment.
It’s frightening.Monarch butterflies aredisappearingbeforeour very eyes. Honey bees are
vanishingatanalarming rateandeven the long loved, littlebarnswallow isseverely threatened.
Our generation has been the causeof this tragedy and has allowed it to happen, oftenwith
eyeswideshut. Ihope,after reading thesepagesaboutcritters indanger,youwillbeconcerned
enough, toat thevery least, letyourvoicebeheard. Thesituation iswithinourpower tochange
— todo somethingpositive.Weoffer a feweasy-to-do solutions intended tohelpandwegive
you thenamesof decisionmakersyoucancontact.
Wemust act quickly however. It wasGandhi whoprophetically stated, “Be the change you
wish to see in theworld.”Sucha simplenotion. Suchcommon sense.
Wecando it—accept the responsibility,onesmallactata time. Thisseason,mygardenwillbe
plantedwithbirds, bees andbutterflies inmind. Who knew commonMilkweed couldbe so
excitingand so lovely? It’sall about perspective, prioritiesand lookingdown the roadahead.
It’sall about caring. It’sall about change.
Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014