ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2014 - page 18

Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014
Using elegant, clean lines and
classic formality, numerous spaces were beautifully
transformed to suit the history of a simpler time. Square-cut lime-
stone steps, orderlymass plantings anda cobblestone driveway
havegiven thehomeacharmingcurbappeal anda stunning first
impression. In thebackyard natural stonewalls and formal plant-
ings are used to framean intimatediningpatio, where the home-
ownersnowenjoy thesoft fragranceof lavenderandviewaclassic
sundial featurebetween the rowsof floweringpear trees.
Key Features:
Square-cut limestone front steps
and landing, formal mass plantings, cobblestone
driveway, cedar deck and custom barbecue per-
gola, wooden privacy fences, wood and steel cus-
tom gates, perimeter privacy plantings, paving
stone patios, sundial focal point feature on a
stone pillar, irrigation, night lighting.
front before
rear yard before
new life
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