Iwant toacknowledge thewonderful service that youhaveprovided
forour local communityby featuringadoptableanimals from theGeor-
gianTriangleHumaneSociety inyour spring2014 fashion editorial.
I amcertain that thiswill result inmany shelter animalsbeingadopted
aswellas increasingawarenessof theGTHSand the important service
It isanunfortunate fact thatevery timesomeonepurchasesapurebred
pet, whether fromapet store or abreeder, onemore shelter animal
will remainhomeless.
I adopteda rescuegreyhound from theU.S. andhewas thebest dog
ever. He brought somuch joy intomy lifeand to everyonewhomet
him. Iwouldonlyadopt rescueor shelteranimals in the futurebecause
theneed for homes for theseanimals is sogreat.
Mycomplimentsonyet anotherbeautiful issueof Escarpment.
~Kathy de Langley| Collingwood
Huge thanks toEscarpmentMagazine for allowingme to takepart in
your SpringMakeover edition. It has beenan uplifting, life changing
experience, from themoment I was asked topartake, to how I carry
myself today. Thanks toDr. Beningerand the fantastic staff at TheBest
You for bringing the best "me" forward, andMarion's hair studio for
the fantasticcut, colourandupdo. Thiswasanamazingexperience for
anyonewanting topursue, itwill trulybring thebest you forward.
~Kelly Collins | Collingwood
I trulyenjoyed thearticle inyour last issueabout the“at-risk”Monarch
butterfly and declining bee populations. It is certainly not common
knowledge that such seemingly insignificant insectsplay sucha signif-
icant role in the circle of life. It is perhaps even less known that these
species aredeeply endangereddue to certain irresponsible environ-
mental practices, suchas the sprayingof pesticides. Iwasamazed to
learn that “a thirdof the food that we eat depends on pollinating in-
sects.” I live inanurbanareawhere foodcomes fromagrocery store,
and I find there is a remarkable disconnect between people and the
source of their food. It is unbelievable that we are continuing to use
harmfulpesticides, suchasneonicotinoids,when there isscientificproof
that linkspesticideuse to thedeclineof thebeepopulations.
Although I firmlybelieve that scienceanddeveloping technologiesplay
an important role inmanyaspectsofourevolvingworld, includingagri-
culture, thereneeds tobemoreemphasis onexamining the long term
environmentalandhealth impacts. Thestatusquo isclearlynot sustain-
able. Farmers need sufficient support from their communitiesandgov-
ernment to findhealthieralternatives topesticides.Emphasisshouldbe
placedon researchingways todevelopenvironmentally friendly farm-
ingpractices thatwillgeneratesufficient cropyields today,andstillpro-
tect our food supply forgenerations tocome.
Raisingawareness is vital topromote change. It is refreshing to read
an article highlighting some very important yet understated issues of
ourworld today. I hope individualsadopt your suggestedpractices to
support thebeepopulationsand to reduce theirenvironmental impact.
I am definitelymaking a greater effort to buy organic produce and
growbee-lovingplants!Thankyouagain for spreading theknowledge.
~RobynWerry| Vancouver
Onbehalfof theMeafordandDistrict FireDepartment Iwould like to
thankyouand theentireEscarpmentMagazine staff for theoutstand-
ing article that was published in your last issue highlighting the
MeafordRegional FirefightingTrainingCentre. Thecontentwithin the
articlewasoutstandingandhighlighted the importanceofour facility
andwhat it canoffer to theemergency services, inparticularour fire-
fighters, andother emergencyprovideragencies.
As a result of your articlewe have received numerous requests for
trainingand tours of the facility. The pictures in the articlewere ex-
tremely impressiveandcaptured theuniqueaspectsofour facilityand
what canbeofferedwithour trainingprograms tocurrent and future
emergency servicesprofessionals.
I trulyhope that your readershipenjoyed thearticleandagain thank
you for showing whatwehave toofferat theMeafordRegional Fire-
~MikeMolloy, Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief,
Meaford and District Fire Department
Spring 2014 issue-
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