Satin finish, custom walnut flooring runs
throughout the homeandanoversized “live
edgeharvest” table fromTreeGreenTeam in
Collingwoodanchors themaindining room.
Thecomplimentaryarea rugmimics thegrain
of thewalnut introducing vibrant colours to
the space. Locally sourced Owen Sound
ledge rock columns with dry stacked finish,
runboth insideandoutaddinganundeniably
modern masonry element to the cozy aes-
thetic. Blinds fromAshton’s in Thornbury tuck
away seamlesslywhennot needed.
The kitchen, designed and installed by
CorinthianKitchensandBath, featuresaslab
black walnut veneer, which has been
painstakinglygrain-matched forcohesiveness
in thewood. The tall sectionsare joinedat the
topbyawalnut valance that createsa frame
for the sleek, white, slabdoors. The cabinet
doorsareextendedwell below theboxesal-
ware. The CaesarStone Organic White
counters feature a ‘waterfall’ effect, framing
thewalnut, completing thekitchen island.
point of view