Special attentionwas spent on designing the
garage by Dave, a Porche enthusiast—his
‘baby’, a 1997 Porsche 911 needed its own
space. “TheTripanel Poly-Carbinatealuminum
frame, overhead garage doors were custom
made bya friendof mine, SeanCarragher of
WinserDoors,whohelpedwithmyvisionof a
brightspace toworkonmycar,”explainsDave,
“Heevenhadasmall sampledoormadeupso
we could see itwith the stone. It is a threebay
garagebut thereareslidingaluminumdoors to
separate the heated singlebaygarage/work
shop.Thispast,coldwinter Ispentseveralhours
workingonmy car and it proved tobea very
warm and happy place.” Of course noman-
cave is completewithout awireless sound sys-
temandsubsequentbeer fridge.
Additionally there is a singlegarage from the
original cottage,which the familyheldontopar-
tially for sentimental reasons and is nowused
asa toyshedhousingkayaks,kiteboardingand
windsurfinggear. Everything in itsplace!
point of view
This past, coldwinter I spent several
hoursworking onmy car and it proved
to be a verywarm and happy place.