ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Fall 2016 - page 17

Alsoaround five years ago, GreyCounty addedbike lanes toCounty Roads 1
and19withplans tocontinue theprocesson futureprojects. Thenwithachange
of staff andheart thebike laneproject ground toa trickle. I amonaGreyCounty
TourismCyclingCommitteeandpart of our mandate is to identify andmappre-
ferredbike routes for tourists inGreyCounty.OurgrouphasmetwithGreyCounty
Transportationanumberof times to identifypreferredbike routes in thecountywith
the idea that when re-paving is scheduledon those roads the countywould con-
sider addingbike lanes. Unfortunately, the follow through has not always hap-
pened. One example is on County Road 1 where a new section was paved
betweenOwenSoundandCobbleBeachwithout anypaved shoulders.
Recently PatrickHoy has been promoted toDirector of Transportation forGrey
County. I havemet with Pat andhe is an intelligent, thoughtful person that seems
tounderstand themeritsof paving shouldersanddesignating someasbike lanes.
Pat has beenworkingwith our cycling tourism committee, municipalities in the
county, adjoining counties and theMTO to come upwithoptimum routes for cy-
clingandactive transportation.GreyCounty Transportationhas amap showing
completedand future shoulder paving in the county. Pat alsopointedout other
areaswherehe feelsbike lanes shouldbeadded (GreyRoads18,29and40) to
interconnect the existingbicycle routes. Pat cautioned that asmuchas hewould
like todomorepaved shoulders it alsocomesdown tobudget restraints.With the
lowpopulation density and small industrial base of GreyCounty todraw from
there isnot enoughcapital todoeverything.
Tandem cyclists, Joe and Lucy Lehmann
must ride on the driving lane on
Highway 26, because the paved
shoulder is too narrow.
Tricycle cyclist, Doug Butler, needs wide
paved shoulders to operate his machine.
Rebecca Hilts and
Emil van Dijk enjoy
a Sunday ride along
the bike lanes on
Grey Road #1
recreat ion
Tome theargument
isnot just about safer
areas forcyclists to
ride, butwiderpaved
shoulders increase
the lifeof roadsand
arealsosafer for
motor vehicles.
Soundand theTown
pursuing theaddition
of bike laneswhena
1...,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,...148