ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Fall 2016 - page 24

keepingwild spaceswild
Story | JoshWhite
“Keep it frombeing loved todeath”
begins the explanatory video for the Blue
ganizationaims topreserveandenhance the
BlueMountainWatershedEcosystem that has
becomedominatedwith tourist development.
And,with thebeautyandcountlessactivitiesof-
fered in thearea,morepeople fromalloverOn-
tarioare looking to relocatehere full-time. The
demand fornew livingdevelopmentsandattrac-
tionshashadan impacton the local ecosystem
ofwatersheds that theWatershedTrust is seek-
ing to protect. Although the organization is
doingwhat theycan toachieve thesegoals, it is
vitally important to focus publicawareness on
the issuesathandandwhatcanbedone tohelp.
TheWatershed Trust Foundationwas formed
conference held to bring public awareness
anddeveloppartnerships tomaintain the re-
gion’s watersheds. This conference led to
landowner meetings that eventually became
first. Since itsofficial formation in1994, it has
grown toover150members,hasplantedover
260,000 trees between 1995 and 2006,
held fundraisers and has undergone many
water improvement projects.
While they have made progress over the
years, theyare still attempting to further raise
public awareness toaid in their current proj-
ects.With help from the public, through sup-
port or volunteering, the Blue Mountain
Watershed trust can continue toprotect and
maintain the localwatershed systems.
Butwhatdoes itmean toprotectandmaintain
thewatershed system? TheWatershed Trust
outlines what efforts are being made under
faceandgroundwaterqualityandquantity in
significant areas such as the wetlands and
woodlands. Theyalsoaim to reviveareaswith
fish andother wildlife to keep the ecosystem
functioningat its fullestpotential.ALandStew-
ardshipProgram thatpromoteseducationand
awareness to landowners inanattempt tocre-
ateabalancebetween theneeds of theenvi-
ronmentand theneedsof those living therehas
been implemented. Theprogram looks togain
participation fromboth rural and urban com-
solutions to current environmental concerns.
These goals and programs have created
progress inmaintainingour localwatersheds.
In the area, there are sevenwatersheds that
are being cared for by the Trust: the Beaver
River, Indian Brook, Black AshCreek, Pretty
ver Creek. There are varying issues and rea-
sons why each needs to be preserved. The
BeaverRiver forexample,housesdiverse land
used for hiking, fishing and various winter
sports. It also supports our area’s farm lands
andwell-known orchards. Flowing intoGeor-
gianBay, theBeaver River contributes aswell
to thedrinkingwater of Collingwoodand the
BlueMountains. Therefore, itsquality is critical
not only for theecosystembut also for thewell-
beingof the residents.
TheWatershed Trust was successful inoppos-
ing thedevelopmentofquarriesat theheadwa-
ters of theBeaver River that couldpotentially
contaminate thewater flowing into Southern
envi ronment
WatershedTrust Foundation
isagrassroots, all-volunteer
donationsand fundraising.
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