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Today theKolapore Trails Association still raisesmoney through donations
andmapsales—money that isput intobuildingprojects like the recentlycompleted
boardwalk on “ParadiseHighway”—that project cost over $5,000 in building
materials alone. The association also covers the costs of snowplowing for the
parking lot onGreyRoad2, and theportable toilet that is there for trail users.
It isacommonmisconception that theUniversityofTorontoowns theKolapore
trails.Mostof thenetwork issituated inaGreyCountyManagedForest. It ispub-
lic land,but notadesignatedpark. Therearealsoa fewprivatelyownedswaths
of forest throughout thearea,and theKolaporeTrailsAssociation isquick topoint
out theirappreciation for thecontinueduseof private land.
GreyCountyhas comeonboard tohelpdevelopand improve thenetwork—
plansareunderway to improveexisting routesanddevelopnew sections in the
SouthEast portion, alsoknownas the“CountyTrails”.
Thegoal is tomakemore family friendlyandbeginner oriented trails. Brock
Martinwhohas takenup the roleas leadof trailmaintenance—and is responsible
formanyof the recent improvements—will beoneof the volunteers helpingwith
the new improvements. It is Brock’s hope that these improvementswill help in-
crease theenjoyment forall users.
Asplansareunderway to increase thenumberof trails, theneed forvolunteers
isagreat as ever and in recent years, ayounger generationof volunteers have
comeonboard. KevinWalsh joined theboardof directors just last year and is
headingupcommunications,weband socialmedia. Kevinwasattracted to the
organization, not just becauseheenjoysusing the trails, but ashe says, “Theas-
sociation isbeing ledbypeople in thecommunity,and it isuserswhoarebuilding
trails for users. It’s really impressivewhat people have put together over the
years.” It isKevin’s hope toattractmore summer users—especiallybikers—to this
impressiveand important organization.
To find out more go to:
On October 15, KTA has
organized a social ride with
guided tours for beginner,
intermediate and advanced
riders, followed by a wood-fired
pizza lunch. The aim is to create
more awareness for the
organization, and to help
develop a community for
bikers—similar to events held in
the winter months for skiers.
To register, or for more
information go to:
“When we built the trails
initially, we were solely
thinking cross country skiing.
We weren’t thinking about
any summer use.”
~ Bruce King
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