ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2016 - page 68

“If onlywecouldsee the view.”
Thesewere the thoughts of theowners of this home
overlooking theEscarpment andGeorgianBay. Loving their location,manyupdateshadal-
readybeendoneover theyears but the kitchen remaineda ‘thorn in their side’. Situatedat
thebackof the house, it was somewhat cramped, withpoor traffic flow, was oftendark evenon
bright daysandworst ofall, the spectacular viewbeyondcouldbarelybe seen from theonewindow,
even though itwasagoodsize.Eventually,an ideabegan tosimmer—would removingwallsandopen-
ingup the spacebepossible? Inorder tocreate theopenness thecoupledesired, itmeant removing
a corner: oneportionof interiorwall andoneportionof exterior. To findout if it was feasable, local
builder Peter JMetzger examined the owner’s rudimentary sketch of what theywere thinking, and
quicklygave the ideaa ‘thumbs up’. Itwouldbea fairly straightforwardproject andevenbetter, rea-
sonably inexpensive—nonewapplianceswerebeingaddedandcabinetswerebeing removed rather
thanadded—not youraveragekitchen reno.
Since thenewspacewouldopenonto theexistingdeckandsensational view, thehomeown-
erswanted the ‘walls’ tobeall glass. CedarportWindows andDoors in Thornburyhad supplied the
existingPellawindowsanddoors throughout thehome, so thedecisionwaseasy. ThePellaArchSeries,
Bi-partingdoorswere theperfect choice. Lightpours throughand thenewlycreatedspacehas the feel
and functionof anoutdoor kitchenyear round.
Slate flooring thatmatched theexisting floorswas foundat Floorcrafters inThornbury. “They
dida seamless install (equippedwith in-floor radiant heating),” say the homeowners. “You can’t tell
where theold floor endsand thenewonebegins—it’sexactlywhat anaddition/reno shouldbe.”
Thenew interior isclad in
withapalecelery, latexwash
that allows thegrain toshow
throughand impartsa
ambiance. Theoverall vibe is
rustic-modern, createdby
usingonlynatural elements:
stone,wood, steel andglass.
kitchen - before
Several years back, in their quest for a brighter space,
the homeowners had the home’s original dark cabinets repainted
byKitchenPainters and they loved the result. The ‘lemon-lime’
gave the kitchen new life and a definite style edge but
unfortunately did nothing to open up the view. Ultimately,
onewall of cabinets and surfaceswere swapped out
in favour of open space and light.
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