ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2016 - page 88

at water’s edge
Manufacturers, in turn, are responding to thisgrowing trendbyoffering increased levelsof
product qualityand range toaperceptiveand informedmarket.Oneof themost impressive in-
novations is theability to completely erase theboundarybetween homeand yard. Roll down
doorsandshutters that foldor slide intopocketscanmakeentirewallsdisappear,melding rooms
with theworldoutside. Some rolldownshuttersareonlymeant toprovidemuchneededshade,
where others aremade of very high strength roll-formedaluminum, andare filledwith a high
densityhard resincore toprotect thepropertyagainst burglary, damageor theelements.
JaneandGrant’s genuinemahogany flooring, fromGreenWorld Lumber, was chosen not
only for the sophisticated facade, but alsobecauseof the resistance towarpingand shrinkage
while retaining itsshape.Mahoganyacceptsstainsandsealsexceptionallywelland is resistant
to rot, mold, andother organisms of decay, bothwith respect to theatmosphereandwith the
soil.While untreatedMahogany sapwood is susceptible towood-boring insects like termites,
themahoganyGreenWorld Lumber imports fromFiji ispre-treated to resist them.
Forward thinkinghomeownersarediscovering that theycan transform their outdoor spaces
intosomethingmore thananafterthoughtbysimplybringingoutside, thesame typesofamenities
enjoyed inside thehome.For theWillsons, the initial idea toenhance theiroutdoor space resulted
ina valuedaddition to their home, both for the capital it has added, aswell as thedailyuse it
receives. This ‘outdoor great room’ hasquickly replaced interior roomsas thepreferred space
where familyand friendswish togather—sharing laughterand tête-à-têteswhile in thecompany
of quiet sunsets.
Source Guide...
Architecture, Design/Build, Landscaping
- The Landmark Group
Mahogany flooring - Green World Lumber
- Taylor Willson 905.655.3939
Plumbing/Hot tub - Jeff Walker Plumbing & Heating
Windows - Cedarport Window and Door Centre Inc.
Cabinetry - Riverside Custom Cabinets
Appliances - Macdonald’s Furniture
Automatic Roll Shutters - JANS Awning Products
Muskoka Chairs - Greentree Gardens & Emporium
Genuinemahogany flooring, fromGreenWorld Lumber, was
chosen not only for the sophisticated facade, but also because
of its resistance towarping and shrinkagewhile retaining its
shape.Mahogany accepts stains and seals exceptionallywell
and is resistant to rot, mold and other organisms of decay
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