Norwegian skiinggreat SteinEriksenhad theperfect hair, theperfect form
and typically theperfect linedown the course. So stylish andgraceful on
the slopes, theOlympicchampionhelpedusher inmodern skiing.Hedied
Sunday,December27at hishome inParkCity,Utah.Hewas88.
Eriksen rose toprominenceat the1952WinterOlympics inhis hometown
ofOslowhenhecapturedgold in thegiant slalomand silver in the slalom.
Two years later, hewon threegoldmedals at theworld championships in
Are, Sweden.
Healsowon the first Professional InvitationBeeHiveGiant Slalomheldat
GeorgianPeaks, February26, 1961. Topprize: $2000.
Skiingwithhis legs close together, Eriksenwould swoopdownamountain
ina fluidandgracefulmanner, swinginghishipsand shoulders inaneffort-
less rhythmicmotion.Duringhisheyday in the1950s, “to ski likeStein”be-
came theambitionofmanyawould-bechampion.
The charismaticEriksenbecame the faceof the sport andportrayed it ina
new, excitingway. He couldperformall sorts of stunts on skis, including
somersaults—anearlyprelude to the tricks in freestyle skiing.