ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2016 - page 82

isadebut children’sbookbyAshleyGreen,
amother,artistandeducator,whogrewup inHeathcoteandnow lives
inClarksburg. I found it absolutely delightful andgiftedmy two little
granddaughterswithcopies. They love it too, especially thewhimsical
The story is simplywrittenand tellsa taleof ‘TheYoungWoman’—
themaincharacterof thestory.She is intrinsically lured to travel through
themagnificent landscapes ofWesternCanada in the search of the
greenest lake in the landand is fascinatedby the turquoiseblueand
greenwaters found inBritishColumbia.
Ashleywas inspired towrite thisbook forherweedaughter,Emerald
and the story is basedonher personal experiences andgreat adven-
turesheadingwest inherbright yellow,Volkswagenvan—so, the story
highlights theYoungWoman’s travels throughbeautiful andepic, nat-
ural scenery in—naturally—herbright yellow, Volkswagenvan.
Ashley isa truly inventiveartist andherbook features stunninghand
painted images of Lake Superior, theCanadian prairies, the Rocky
Mountains, theOkanaganValleyand thePacificOcean.Anyonewho
has travelledwest onagreat Canadian road tripwill surely feel nos-
talgicwhile reading thisbook.
When theYoungWomandoesnot findwhat she is looking for, some-
thinghappens thatchanges thecourseofherpath.Shemeetsanelderly
woman who gives her advice in the form of beautiful wisdom. The
YoungWoman is faced thenwithadecisionwhether to returneast to
herhome inOntario. She learns to let herexpectationsdisappearand
indoing so, findsexactlywhat she is looking for.
Emerald Lakewas published inWinnipeg by Art Bookbindery and is available for purchase
at Elephant Thoughts, 10138HWY26, Collingwood.
adventure, magical
moments, natural wonders and
the kindness of strangers
Thank youCollingwood for supporting the2015
CanadianBreast Cancer FoundationCIBC
Run for theCureand thehundreds of thousands
of women inCanada livingwith breast cancer
and their lovedones.
Joinus againnext year onSunday, October 2, 2016.
We’reall in this together.
The Emerald Lake by Ashley Green
Reviewed by Deena Dolan Findlay
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