ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2016 - page 90

For the safetyof skiersandboarders, BlueMountaindoes
not operate groomers on open runs. If a run is to be
groomedbetweendayandnight skiing, the ski patrol first
must clear theareaofall skiersandboarders thencloseall
entrances to thearea. Becauseof the complicatedgroom-
ingscheduleand for thesafetyof thepublic,Steve indicated
that theycannotanddonotpullagroomerout in themiddle
of theday to ‘fix’ changing conditions. “Wewant you to
haveasafeandenjoyableexperienceonour trails.Safety
needs tobeapriority foreveryguestatour resort.”
Stevemaintains thatall the local resortsandski clubswork
together to build the sport of skiing. If parts or help are
needed they contact eachother toget the jobdone. They
want families tokeep comingbackand theywant them to
enjoy thesportwithas fewhasslesaspossible.
In theend, thepristine corduroy thatwe see todayon ski
runsstartedwitharowofkidsstamping theirskisdown the
hill tomake thesnowskiable.Trustmewhen Isay,wedon’t
want togoback to thegoodolddays.
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