Summer 2013
Escarpment Magazine
Since the regatta’s inception in 1986, the regatta cov-
ers a different region of Georgian Bay and runs for
seven days. Each day brings different sailing conditions
during the short course and long course races. The
2012 event was slated to begin inMidland with racing
to Hope Island. From there the races would move to
Collingwood, then onto Thornbury and the week would
to finish up on the western side of the bay with a race
to White Cloud Island and Colpoys Bay. The final day
of racing would take the boats toMeaford, where they
were to hold the awards dinner.
The Georgian Bay Regatta...
27 years of adventures!
~Kenneth Grahame | The Wind in the Willows
There is nothing—absolutely
nothing—half so much worth doing
as simply messing about in boats.