Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014
spring dining guide
Copper Blues -
The trendyVillagehot spot to seeandbe seen.
Experiencediningat it'sbest ina spectacular settingoverlooking
theVillageEventsPlazaandBlueMountain. Thisoriginal concept
boasts an extensiveappetizer menu andan unforgettable lunch
and dinner menu in a newly updated, cozy and casual atmos-
phere! Après activities, or just because... try aCoppertini on the
expansive, heated terrace!!
Copper Blues Bar & Grill - Blue Mountain Village
Simplicity Bistro -
offersacasualdiningexperience in the set-
tingofan1880'spostmastersoffice thatblends togetherboth rus-
tic charm and sleek elegance, to create an atmosphere that is
intimate yet inviting. Focusingon recognizableCanadian foods
andusingFrenchculinary techniqueschef/ownersScottChalmers
andAndrewBarber createanaffordable yet memorabledining
experience for lunch or dinner. Findan affordablewine list and
your favourite importedor local beers.
Simplicity Bistro - 81 King St. E (hwy 26)Thornbury
BruceWine Bar Kitchen
is far fromyouraveragewinebar
and is fastbecoming the latesthot spot in town. Thisuniqueeatery
features twovenues inone. Takeoutordine in,and feaston tradi-
tional Neapolitan wood-fired pizzas, salads and sandwiches
downstairs inTheKitchen,orheadupstairs to theWineBar foran
arrayof finewines, spiritsandcraftbeer,delectablesharedplates
and livemusiconFridaynights.
Bruce Wine Bar - In the alley behind the TD Bank
Thornbury - 519.599.1112
Pipers -
Enjoya traditional Pubatmosphere inamodernupscale
Sports Bar setting. There’s something for all ages— fine, fresh sal-
ads, sandwiches, homemadeburgers, pastas, fresh seafoodand
Buffalo stylewings! Enjoyyour favoritegameononeof themany
large screen TV's. Choose frommore than a dozen Tap Beer
choices including ‘SubZero’ beers,Wines andSprits. All menu
itemsareavailable for takeout.A locals’ favourite!
Pipers Sports Bar & Grill - 54 King St. E. (Hwy 26)
Thornbury 226.665.0255