ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2014 - page 56

Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014
Over theyears,
thesespecieshavebeenconfusedor thoughtof
asoneand thesame.And, itdoesn’thelp tohaveaAAAbaseball team
called, ‘TheBuffaloBisons’. Regardless, in this issue,we’reconcentrat-
ingonWaterBuffalo.Didyouknow thewaterBuffaloproduces15%
of theworld’smilk for human consumption? Thereare170million of
theseanimalsworldwideand Italy is the leader inproducing thewon-
derful BuffaloMozzarella. Two farms inOntario have been raising
these animals since2007, andOntarioproduced the first Canadian
madecheeses in2009.Aswithall livestockoperations it has tobe sus-
tainableandeven though theseanimalsare raised for themilk, themeat
aspect couldnot be ignored. Beingprimarily raised formilk reassures
consumers that theseanimalsaredrugandhormone free.
In2013BlackAngusFineMeatsandGamebecame the first federally
inspectedplant inCanada tooffer bothmeat cuts and value added
products suchas sausages andburgers, withmore to comebeingof-
fered throughour storesandalsoat the largest foodservicecompanies
This isa localOntario farming ‘feel good’ story.
it’s buffalo, not bison!
SpringRolls, AsianstyleShortRibs&BuffaloMozzarellaSalad
Spring rolls...
•250gWaterbuffalo sirloincut
and trimmed intoa2 inchdiameter
andapprox. 6 inches in length.
•Marinateusing the following...
50mls soy sauce, 30mlsof sesame
oil, 10gms crushedgarlic,
10gms crushedginger.
•30gmseachof sliced julienneof
carrot, redpepper, yellowpepper,
•30gmsBeans sprouts.
Short Ribs with Rice...
454gWaterBuffaloShort ribs cutAsian style, 1/8- inch
thick.Asianmarinate, asabove, (Use the samemarinade
aboveonce the sirloinhasbeen removed.)
WildRiceor riceof your choice.
Pour marinate intoa seal-ablebagalongwithWaterBuf-
faloSirloinand let soak for30minutes. Then remove sirloin
andput the ribs in samebagwith themarinade.
Turnovenon to350°. Brown the sirloin inpan, thenplace in
oven for12mins. Remove fromovenand let rest andcool.
Oncecool, approx20minutes, slice thinly.
Followdirections for the typeof riceyouhave selected.
Approximately5Minutesbefore rice is ready, grill the ribs
onhigh for2minutesa side.
Placeaportionof your riceonplateand lay ribsover top.
Usea soy sauceor teriyaki to season rice toyour taste.
Placeyour ricewrappers inwarm
wateroneat a timeandassemble
your rollsbyplacingyour ingredients
corner tocorner leaving two inches
oneachend inorder tobeable to
foldand seal. Youwill cut eachone
inhalf at anangleandgarnishwith
Pleasenote this isadish servedcool
soall thepreparationcanbedone
aheadof timeandpulled from the
fridgewhen ready toassemble.
Nam Prik...
3 small greenThai chiliesorone
small Jalapenopepper.
4 Limes
10gmPalm sugar
30mlsAsianFish sauce
Mixall ingredients in foodprocessor
toachieve thedesiredconsistency.
Youcanalter theheat if desiredby
addingmore sugar. Put in fridge till
ready to serve.
BuffaloMozzarella Salad
Forbest presentationusea shallow
6 inchbowl.Useeither Romaineor
AsianCabbage.Cut head into2
inch servings lengthwise.
Slice tomatoandBuffaloMoz-
zarellaandplaceon top.
DrizzlewithgoodOliveoil and
BalsamicVinegar, salt andpepper
to taste. It’sbest not tohide the
qualityof thecheeseand the
Balsamicbyoverloading the
For morewild recipes and info
go to
cooking with sean kelly
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