AddaSpringmake-over inan instantwith thiseye-catching,
dramaticpeacock rendering. Thepiecemeasures
40"widex60”highandhasanartfullydistressed finish.
Trulya stop traffic focal point!
GreentreeGardens & Emporium
Hwy 26, Collingwood 705.444.2146
One-off "liveedge"piece in solid, air-dried, domesticwalnut.
One-of-a-kind in termsof both thematerial and thedesign.
CharlesDavies typicallyworkswitharchitects, designersand
individuals, but here,without aclient inmind,Charles' inspiration
waspurely thewood itself,whichhe'sbeenairdrying for the
past sevenyears.
Charles Davies Custom Fine Furniture andBuilt-Ins
Spring 2014
Escarpment Magazine
Comfortableandcolourful toss cushions.What agreatway toadd instant
brightness toany room - frombeds tocouches, from living room toporch.
Macdonald’s Furniture 206518Hwy. 26 E. Meaford