ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2014 - page 41

Spring 2014
Escarpment Magazine
Yet thehomeownerswere fondof thequirkyback stairs,aswere their
kidswho loved toplayon them.Underneath thestairswas theoriginal
kitchenpantry.Although tight andcongested, itwaspractical for stor-
yearsold.Ultimately, thehomeownersrecognized that theyneeded to
consider amoremodernopen floor plan toallow for better flowand
morepractical living space foragrowing familyof five. Theydecided
to let thepantrygo inorder toallow for removalof thebackwallof the
house,creatinganopen floorplan.Ultimately, theydecided theycould
notdowithoutabacksetofstairs,so theydesignednewcontemporary
stairs,decidedlymodern,yet traditional in feel.
The homeowners encountered a disagreement that was resolved
onlyshortlybeforeconstructionbegan. Oneof their favourite fea-
tures inside theold farmhousehadbeen thebackstaircase in the
kitchen leadingup to the loft. Having two staircases in thehouse
felt very traditional and separated the dwelling into twowings.
Puddles of sunlight on gleamingwood floors
combinedwith casual, no-fuss furnishings
give thismaster bedroom suite a decidedly
relaxed, ‘rest awhile’ country ambiance.
old meets new
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