Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014
Its probably no coincidence that 130 years
ago, this housewas built long and narrow,
with its smallest wall and fewest windows
facing themost extremeweather from the
west.Most of thewindows face either
north or south, letting in lots of light,
without being vulnerable to beating hot
west sun on summer afternoons.
One of the homeowners’ goals was to bring in as
much light as possible, while keeping inmind the
gustywinds andweather thehouse is exposed to.
When adding and modifying windows and doors,
with thehelpof Cedarport inThornbury, theycon-
centrated on the south side of the home, facing
the ravine, andaddedacoveredsittingarea to the
south deck for more shade in the summer. They
discovered that by simply paying attention to sun
and wind exposure, made the home naturally
warmer inwinter, and a little cooler in summer.
old meets new