ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2014 - page 42

Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014
Builder: Paul Rogers, ValleyviewConstruction
Architectural Technologist: Pam Farrow
Interior Design:Marina Farrow&Katherine Arcaro
Windows: Supplied by Cedarport
Kitchen: RiversideCustomCabinets, Thornbury
Appliances:Macdonalds Furniture,Meaford
Built-ins: Night Hawk Valley Cabinetry
Electrical: ClearliteElectric, Collingwood
FireplaceUnit: Chantico, Craigleith
Plumbing: ShuttleworthContracting, Collingwood
Heating: AirstarMechanical,Meaford
Flooring: PaoloCustom Flooring
Audio System: Thornbury Computers
Stonework: Steve’s CustomStoneMasonry
Stairs: AcornStairs andRailing
Paint: Birch andBenjamin
Foundation: TeronConstruction
Excavation: GWTExcavation
Drywall:Marcel Rutte, Collingwood
Welding: Slab TownWelding
Eavestroughs: Advance Aluminum
Insulation: Great Northern insulation
Materials: HomeHardware Thornbury
Mechanical: Air StarMechanical
Plumbing: Doug’s plumbing
Source Guide...
Restorationwork is a labour of love, unpredictable and
sometimesmore time consuming and expensive, but
we had never planned to do this project quickly.
old meets new
Thankfully, during the renovationprocess, thehomeowners
understood thatwhen transforminga19
-centuryhouse toa
- centuryone, progressmaybe sluggish, but thepay-off
will be colossal. The family credits their incredibleArchitect
andbuilderPaulRogersofValleyviewConstruction forguid-
ing their vision, andgently suggesting keydesign features,
whicharenow family favouriteswithin the farmhousewalls.
Beautiful, homey,modernanduseful, theend result isadeli-
catebalanceof oldmeets new, inahome that is equallyas
invitingas it ishistorical.
Upper hall - before
Dining rm - before
Kitchen - before
Barewalls - before
Living rm - before
back stair - before
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