My 4-weekmake-over
transformation helps
keepmy life peaceful
and in balance on
mental, emotional,
physical and
spiritual levels.
Escarpment Magazine Spring 2014
Alisha - before
total body transformationandmake-over at KalolaWellness Spa
&SalonbeganwithDr.Goldbergwhoperformed laser resurfacingofher face
anddida few injectionsof Botox
onher foreheadand templearea.Alicia is
thrilled, “I have such relief knowing Iamona skin repairing journeywithhim. I
no longer look in themirror loathingcertain spotsonmy face. I havepersonal
contentment andconfidence topush throughmydays.”
Next cameaSwedishThaimassagewithPractitionerMichelle. “After the serv-
ice I felt lighter, I was standing taller and I felt energized,” saysAlicia, “I had
increasedmental clarity and felt as if all negativity and toxicity hadbeen re-
moved frommybodybothmentallyandphysically.”
“Myweight isa seriouslypainful issue forme toaddress. I haveamultitudeof
excusesandexplanations formyweight gain. Then Iwas fortunateenough to
meet Allison, aHolisticNutritionist at Kalola.Withher extensivenutritionedu-
cation, shewasable toeasily identify some intestinal issues Iwas having. She
immediatelyprescribedadiet specifically targeted tohealmyareasofconcern,
supplementsandvitamins that haveme feelingenergizedandaworkout plan
that is funandmanageable.”
Hairconsultationcolourand stylewasperformedbySteve,whogaveAliciaa
precisioncut that isextremely fashion forward—aperfect style that is freshand
fitting fromwork to family. “Steve creates styles before theyareeven seenon
thecoversofmagazines; he truly isaheadof his time.Healsoeducatedmeon
proper hair careandgotme startedona simpleSchwarzkopf regime that ac-
Wendyperformed thecosmeticapplication. “She
knew that a1940’s daytime smokey lookwould
bewell suitedwithcurrent fashionandmyperson-
ality and comfort level. I was impressed with
Wendy’s professional cosmetic application port-
folio—she hasworkedon filmand in theatre. She
used beautiful products such as the Kalola Skin
CareRegime, SmashboxandDermablend. Iwas
astoundedwith thedetailed finish. I truly feltpretty
with an added touch of confidence to rock my
Finally, Brooklynnappliedeye lashextensions. “I
love that I canwake up, put ona littlebit of pow-
der, blush and lip-gloss and I’m ready togo. It is
sucha time saver and they seriously look so real.
On dayswhen I doapply eyemakeup, my eyes
aremoredramaticwithout having todealwithall
theeyelashmaintenance that I used todo. ”
Kalola is committed to treating each client as a
unique individual, and catering to their specific
needs.Over aperiodof 4weeks, Alishaworked
with their teamof professionals, enjoyinga sam-
plingof the exceptional services, to enhance her
natural innerandouterbeauty.
KalolaWellnessSpa&Salon BlueMountain Inn
BlueMountainResort 877-445-0231ext. 6471
make-overs refreshed & renewed