pruning is a common
but critical task that defines thegrowthof a
treeand improvesandmaintains treehealth. Treepruning improvementsallow for
betterairflowandmore light penetration throughout thecanopy. It also reduces theoverall
sail effect of the treewhenexperiencingharshclimates, suchashighwinds, sobranchand tree
failure isdecreased. Pruningalso reduces the riskof propertydamageor injurydue todeador
diseasedbrancheswhile improvingboth thehealthandoverall appearanceof the tree. Improper
pruning, however, can lead tounbalancedgrowth, or exposedefects in the tree,which in turncan
result inmore rapiddeclineof the tree.
Asahomeowner, youcan trust anexperiencedarborist tomakeeducateddecisionsandcutswithin
the treecanopy. It’s important toknow thebasicsof pruningbeforeyoumakeyour first cut.
All plant and tree stemsandbranchesaregenerallymadeupof nodes, internodes, buds, andapical
buds.Although these termsmaybea littleoverwhelming, theyareactuallyvery simple.
Remember,whenever youare looking to start pruneanywoodyplant, be sure tohaveonhanda
sharppairof shears/secateursorapruning saw. Sharp toolswill prevent tearingand improper cut
on the tree.
Whenapproachinga tree toprune, try to imaginewhat youwant the tree to look likewhenyouare
complete.All deadwood shouldbeyour first priority, followedbyany rubbingof abradingbranches
within thecanopy. This techniquewill benefit the treedramaticallyas it doesn’t have to support limbs
that arenot beingutilizedby the tree. Finally,whenall deadwoodandabradingbrancheshave
been removed,wecan lookat reducinganyoverweight, oroverachievingbranches. Typically in
most common trees, theygrow inaexcurrent form,meaningonecentral leaderand lateral
branches comingoff of the trunk. If there ismore thanone leader, agoodpractice is to reduceall
but one so themain leader cangaindominancyagain. Whenperforming these tasks, remember to
frequently to takea stepbackandexamine the tree. Youdonotwant tomakeanywrongcutsand
misshape the treeormakeanymajor holes in thecanopy.
Thesepruningpractices shouldonlybeattempted fromon thegroundoraground ladder nohigher
than ten feet.Climbingandpruningofmidsized to large trees shouldbe left foraprofessionalwho
has the required skillsandequipment for climbing the tree safely.
NOTE: Trimdeciduousand fruit treeswhen theyaredormant, flowering treesafter theblooms fade
andevergreensduring springtimeor theirgrowing season.
shaping summer