ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2014 - page 68

earthharvest cafe&organicmarket -
“Asacoffeeshop that
specializes in organic fair trade coffeeand teas this is abig issue for
us. Wedoourbest topurchase localorganicproducewhen inseason
with themajorityof it coming fromMarvelous Edibles farm,which isa
certifiedorganic farm that specializes in heritage products.We also
sourcemostofourdriedgoods throughanorganicsupplierandallour
flours andgrains are organic. In this industry the problems arisewith
moreconventional items, as thereareno rulesdemanding labelling
of GMO and non-GMO products and ingredients sowe
havecertain rulesofourownwe follow, tokeep the risks
low. Wealsoavoidanythingcontainingor cooked
in soy, canolaor cornoils.”
Karen Kay and Jim McPherson - Owners | 100 Sykes Street |
Meaford| 519.538.0859|
ChicoryCommonNatural Foods&
Café -
“Wearea fullyequippedgrocery
store (and lunchcafe) that focusesonpro-
viding organic, local, allergy sensitive
andnon-gmoproductswhenat all pos-
sible. We have an extensive bulk de-
partment stocked with both organic
and non-organic flours, herbs and
spices,grains, fruitandnuts. Allare la-
belled organic, gluten-free, and non-
gmo accordingly. We have quite a
selection of Gluten-free and Non-
GMO Project grocery items and we
carry certifiedorganicmeat andpoul-
Kathleen Dachuk, Proprietor
110 Garafraxa Road N. |Durham|
The Market Shoppe -
Bringing the
farmers' market to a store... “We have a
take-out lunchcounterwhereyoucan findde-
licious soups, salads, sandwiches, andbaked
goodies. There are a variety of frozen foods
available for your convenience including Jmar
meats,bakedgoods,gluten freeproductsandourde-
licious soups. Wecarry, in season,Ontarioproduceand
7 Toronto St. S. |Markdale| 519.986.4144
Owen Sound 100Mile Store -
find local productsof all kinds
-gluten free, vegan,organicandGMO free.Freshproduce isavailable
daily on an "as it arrives" basis. Also try their easy tobake at home,
breadmixesorpickup freshbaking ready-to-enjoy.
299 10th Street East |Owen Sound| 519.416.0927
Farmer's Pantry -
find in-seasonproduceand15varietiesof local
appleswithpickyourownoptions.Preserves, snacks,goodiesandOr-
ganicandGMO-freeproductsareavailable in theFarmMarket.
Grey Rd 13| Clarksburg| 519.599.3691
PersephoneMarket Garden &CSA -
KristineHammel hasa
solidbackground in farmingand isarmedwithdegrees inEnvironmen-
gardeningwith her mom, Angelika in2009. “Our farmingpractices
meet deeporganicprinciples, asdescribedby the International Foun-
dationofOrganicAgricultureMovements (IFOAM).Weabsolutelydo
notapplyany syntheticpesticidesor fertilizers.We strive togrow food
that isgood, clean& fair.”
241063 Conc. 3 Georgian Bluffs | Allenford|
SideroadNatural FarmandCSA -
Patrick Kitchen are farmerswith apassion for sus-
tainableagricultureandenvironmental steward-
ship. “Webelieve inproducinghealthy food in
anenvironmentally responsiblemanner.We
do not use syntheticpesticides, herbicides,
fertilizers or any other chemicals in the
processofgrowing.Webelieve that bio-
logical diversity and embracing nature
arecritical to runningasustainable farm
andaim toproduce food inaway that
mimics thenaturalecosystem.Ourpro-
duce is Certified Naturally Grown.
Wealsohavepasture raisedchickens,
turkeys, eggs and heritage pork for
sale. Our products are sold through
ourCSAprogram,at farmersmarkets,
to restaurants and to the public upon
request.”SideroadNatural Farmoffers
aweekly veggie harvest boxprogram
to folks in the BlueMountains, Colling-
wood, andToronto.
807090 25th Sideroad | Heathcote | 705.446.5503|
What is CSA? Community SupportedAgriculure - is amutually
beneficial relationship inwhicha farm supports the community’s
needs for fresh, nutritious food, and the community supports farm-
ers in farming sustainably.
CoffinRidgeVineyard&Winery -
wineryproducinghighquality, small batchwinemadepri-
marily fromgrapesgrown fromhandplanted, handpickedGrey
Countygrapes. “Our vineyard is primarilyplantedwithhybridgrape
varieties.Hybridgrapesbeing theproduct of Europeanvarieties (Vitis
vinifera) that havebeenbredwith nativeNorthAmericangrape vari-
eties (suchasVitis ripariaorVitis rupestris).Hybridization,unlikegenetic
modification, is aprocess that occurs naturally in theoutdoors though
primarilyas farasourgrapesareconcerned it is the result of low-tech,
traditional crossbreedingconducted in the field.While in recent years
GMOyeasts havecroppedup in thewinemaking fieldwedonot use
any suchproducts inourwinemakingprocess.Soon thevineyard side
our grapes are kept insecticide freeandaregrown using low impact
sustainable techniques,whileon thewinemaking sidewedonotmake
useof anyGMOproductsoradditives.”
599448 2
concession n. |MeafordMunicipality (Annan) | 519.371.9565
Purchase at the Vineyard or Order Online or at the LCBO
To feed theworld
sustainably into the future,
fundamental changes are
needed in our farming and food
systems. Greenpeace believeswe
need a thorough and radical overhaul
of present international and national
agricultural policies. You can help by
using your power as a consumer to buy
locally grown, organic food and urging
your Representatives to pass laws
that protect our health and
eliminate genetic
is it gmo-free?
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