ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2014 - page 67

CollingwoodCommunity FoodCooperative -
operatedbymembers for theCollingwoodCommunity, supportsagri-
culture,especially the localorganicandcleanearthgrowthofour food.
“Whenwe choose organic foodand foodgrown locally, andmake
ourchoicesknown,we raise theconsciousnessofeveryone inourcom-
65 Simcoe Street, Collingwood| 705.444.6200
Pure Food Bar -
A rawand living-foods restaurant andbulk food
store, offering themost nutritiousanddelicious foodon theplanet, ina
business setting that is sustainableandethical. “Seasonally, ourmenu
will be loadedwith ingredients from local, organic farms.”
10 Keith Ave. | Collingwood|
705.445.9990 -
Anonline sitededicated toall things healthy. Pure,
green, safe and fair. Findorganic andgluten-free foods and snacks,
personal grooming products, vitamins, natural remedies &wellness
treatments, householdcleaners, pet careproductsetc.
Black Angus FineMeats &Game -
“Our retail storesoffer a
widevarietyof finemeats suchasdry-agedbeef, local lamband free-
rangechicken,”explainsownerSeanKelly, “Ourgamemeat selection
includesbison,elk, kangarooandmanyother interestingandnutritious
options. Weprideourselvesonourqualityofmeat, service,andprod-
uct knowledge.”Alongwith retail sales,BlackAngusalsosells tomany
of the largest foodservicedistributingcompanies inCanada. “Chances
are that if you'vehadabison steakat a restaurant itwas fromus.”
Hwy 26W of Thornbury| 519.599.2334
Collingwood Farmer's Market -
The Farmers’Market serves
not onlyas a social catalyst, but alsopromotes the concept of buying
fromarea farmers, eatinghealthyand supporting the local economy,
containingonlyproduce from100milesaround themarket location.
Corner of Second St & Pine St | Collingwood| Saturdays
Fresh@Home at Currie's FarmMarket -
every product is
carefullyselected forquality, taste,best farmingpracticesandminimum
impact on the environment. Currie's FarmMarket is a family business
spanning threegenerations.EdgarandBarbaraCurriestarted themar-
ket in1957and isnowoperatedbyChrisandCandiceCurrie.
6th St & Tenth Line| Collingwood| 705.445.2005|
Culinary Designs -
“Fresh, Local andHealthy is our focus,” says
owner Season Leone, “Gluten Free andVegan options are our spe-
cialtyandweprepareeverything from fresh, never frozen ingredients
andwealsoworkwithmanydifferent clients tohelp them realise their
healthanddietgoalswith freshandpersonalizeddailymealssuited to
theirpersonal dietaryneeds.”Catering isalsoavailable.
46 Bruce Street | Thornbury| 519-599-7900|
TheCreemore100Mile Store -
supportssmall tomidsizenat-
uralandorganic farms,artisinaland fair tradeproducers, specializing
innatural or organicproducts fromasparagus tozucchini,meats and
cheeses, bakedgoods, to soapsand salves.
176Mill St | Creemore| 705.466.3514
Kolapore Gardens CSA
(Community Shared Agriculture)
abiologically intensivemarket gardenproducing topquality, nutrient
dense vegetables and herbs. Owner Mike Reid blends various ap-
proaches tocreatingahealthygardenand farm, incorporatingprinci-
ples frombiodynamicagriculture,aswellaspermacultureandnatural
farming,witha focusof providing themost nutritiousandhealing food
available and keeping it local. “Food is medicine, and everything
grownhere is regardedas havingmedicinal properties. I sourcecerti-
fiedorganic seedand never sowGMO seeds. Similarly, our laying
hensare fedacertifiedorganic rationwhich theysupplementwithgrass
and bugs.”Products are available at the farm near Ravenna, also
CollingwoodFarmer’sMarket andClarksburgFarmer’sMarket.
587530 9
Sideroad, near Ravenna| 519-599-5363
FreeSpiritGardens -
mitted to, “Transformingbackyardsandcommunityspaces intohealthy
veggiegardens.”AsKimberlyexplains, “Inourcommunitygardenswe
use all non-geneticallymodified, untreated seed, and in our school
workshopsweengage thestudents in learningaboutGMOs,andwhen
appropriatewe facilitateadiscussionabout it.”
The Market Meaford -
is deeply committed to the healthof our
planet. It supports localagri-business: farmers,gardeners,canners,bak-
ers,cheesemakers,apiaristsandmore! “Working together,wewillpro-
vide youwith nutritious, great tasting foodwhilealsodoingour bit to
helpourcommunity thrive.Organic farmingstartswith thenourishment
of the soil,whicheventually leads to thenourishment of theplant and,
ultimatelyour palates. Theaverage child receives four timesmoreex-
posure thananadult toat least eightwidelyusedcancer-causingpes-
ticides in food. Food choices youmake nowwill impact your child’s
futurehealth.”Shop inpersonororderonline.
Old Highway 26, at Ecoinhabit |Meaford| 519.538.1522
Roy’l Acres Farm -
Roy’LAcresFarm is theheartandhomeofRoy
andGinny Love. “Our goal is togrowa varietyof produce that is nat-
ural,GMO free, pesticide freeandgrown completelywithout theuse
of chemicals.Weuseonlyorganicpracticesand strive tooperatewith
sustainablemethods. Findusat theCollingwoodCommunityFoodCo-
opororder straight from the farm.”Roy’LAcresalsospecializes inmicro
greens, shootsandedible flowersand suppliesproduce to several local
restaurants includingSimplicityBistroandBruceWineBar.
267093 South Line B|Grey Highlands | 519-353-8895
Grandma Lambe's -
For over fifty years,Grandma Lambe's has
been serving theSouthernGeorgianBayareawith friendly, old fash-
ionedhospitalityand thebesthomebakinganywhere!“Wedonot sell
anyGMOatour locations simplybecauseofourconcernswithpublic
health concerns,” states David Lambe. “Fresh vegetables are locally
grown through theseasonsalso jams, jelliesandevendiabeticpiesare
all homemade.”
Hwy 26Meaford| 519-538-2757| Chatsworth| 519-794-3852
locallyat the following locations...
1...,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66 68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,...124