ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2015 - page 15

Whydowedo this?
Thequestionsprings tomindas I run
through the forestonasparklingcoldwintermorning in
January, theearlysunlightbrightandsoftallatonce. The
treesdancingwithsnowand the trail socrisp it squeaksunder
In2014 thesecondannual6HoursofGibraltar,amountain
bike relay race that takesplace in the indulgentBlueMoun-
tainsaroundCollingwood, raised$58,792.00, five times the
amountwe raised the firstyear.
Wehad twentysix teams, ninesolo ridersandcompleted460
lapsor2817.5kmofamazing trail riding.
Everydollar thatwe raisedwasdonateddirectly toMy
Friend’sHouse,acause that still hidesbeneathour collective
consciousness,pokingasapersistent thorn in thesideofa
society thatwouldprefer to remain ignorant to thenumbersof
Ihad interviewedHeather lastyear,apast residentofMy
Friend’sHousewhostepped forward,whohad thestrength to
tell her storysoothersmay learn. Itmadeadeep impression
onmeandstrengthenedmy resolve tobe involved in this
cause,but still thequestion remained.
Whydid Iget involved?
IanSinclair looksatme fromunder raisedbrows, hisvoice
edged in irony. “There isnodemand forourproduct!” Having
spenthisbusiness lifehelping tocreatedemand forbrands in
the food industry, the thought isapoignantone.
It is true - there isnodemand forpeople togive tocharity,
no-oneadvertising theproduct, no-onepushing thebenefits.
This is Ian’sdream. It ishis idea, hisproperty,andhisdrive
thathaveengagedhis familyand friends to rallywithhim to
promote,develop, create,andgrow thisamazingcause.
Ian isefficacious;hecraftedhisprofitablebusinesswithcareful
attentionanddoggeddetermination. Hissuccess lies inhis
ability tocreate relationshipsandbondwith thosearoundhim.
Hehas takenMyFriend’sHouse toheart,acknowledging the
needsof theunderdog. Hehasmotivatedhis family. His
daughterAshley,avictimofanabusive relationship in the
past, isanamazingcontributor to theevent.When Iaskedher
what emotion theevent elicitedsheanswered,
“When IwatchedHeather speak toeveryone lastyear, I
couldseeher smiling. I couldseeeveryonesmiling.Whenwe
areall successful –weall smile.Andsmiling iscontagiousand
makeseveryone feelbetter ifeven foramoment.Asmile
showshope,andwhen Iknowmycontributionhasmadea
difference then I feelgoodaboutmyself.”
Ian’sson Ian Jr. is fullyengaged in theeventalso, headingup
a teamanddriving thecorporatesponsorship. Ian’swifeBarb
is thegracioushostess, ensuring that thesilentauctiongoes
smoothly– the listgoesonwith
every familymember coming
together tosupport thisworthy
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