We needed to replace thewindow above the kitchen sink—I have
done someworkwithmy friendDerek Lukala’s company Tiltco, and
was impressedwith their “tilt and turn” European stylewindows. The
windowshaveadual functionality; tilting inward topermit ventilation
without lettinganymoisture inside (evenwhen it’s raining). Thedesign
givesyou theability tocreatemuch larger singleoperator than typical
window types and thePVC construction ismaintenance freewhileat
thesame timeprovidinganexcellent insulationvalue,which is relevant
toawindowon theNorth façade.
Icalledonmy longtimewindsurfing friend JohnOosterholt,ownerand
operator of Multi Electric to help us with our wiring and electrical
makeover.Wedecided togowithpot lights in theceiling. Johngave
usmany interestingoptions, but helped steer us towards new cutting
edge LED technology that hehad installed inhis ownhome.Moving
theoutletsandbringingeverythingup tocodewas theeasypart—we
ran intoahiccupas the location for thepot lightsover the islandhad
roof trusses running through themiddle. Johncameupwithan ingen-
ious solution; little “puck” lights that couldbe recessed into the pine
beamsalong the lengthof theceiling.A lookweabsolutely love.Once
valenceswere installedunder theuppercabinets,concealingournew
LEDundercabinet lighting,wewerenearlyhome free.All thatwas left
was thebacksplash.
Thewindows have a dual functionality;
tilting inward to permit ventilationwithout
letting anymoisture inside,
(evenwhen it’s raining).