ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2015 - page 55

Our involvementwith theGeorgianTriangleHospiceCampbellHouse
startedafter I readanarticle inoneof the
local newspapers announcing the donation by theCampbell family and the date to start building thismuch
neededpalliativecare facilityhere inCollingwood.Having lost bothmyparents tocancer, I know the tremen-
dousstrain itputson the familyand immediatecaregiver(s). Ihappened tobump intoBillHanke,a formercus-
tomerofours, ina local coffeeshopandhe toldme thatShertineConstructionhadbeenawarded thecontract
and that hewouldbeworkingwith themon thebuild. I askedhim tobringme ina set of plans sowecouldgo
over thedesign for the kitchen. I toldBill that Patti and Iwouldbepleased todonate the kitchencabinetsand
quartzcountertops for thisproject.
Wehavebeen inbusinesshere for15yearsandwewanted togiveback to thiscommunity that hassupported
us forall theseyears. IworkedwithBillandhisdesign team toput together thedesignand layoutof thekitchen
andassisted themwith the colour selections. I met with Jim Lewis of Shertine and his trades, togoover the
kitchen layout on site, tomake sure the kitchen hadall the electrical andplumbingprovisions required. The
kitchen featuresAyaKitchenCabinets,Chesapeake,Whitecabinetryon thewallswith PacificaEbonyMaple
cabinetry for the islandand coffee bar. For the countertopswe selectedaCambriaQuartz counter, ‘Praa
Thekitchen featuresplentyof soft-closedrawers,a large islandwithstools,abar sink,and lotsofcounter space.
Because the kitchen is usedby the volunteers, staff, guest families and visitors alike, I knew the kitchenwas
going tobe theheartof thishome.Wehave receiveda tremendousamountofpraise forourworkon thishome
andwould like to thankour suppliers,AyaKitchens,Quartzcraft –Cambriaandall our PremierKitchens’ staff
for their helpwith thismost special kitchenproject.
Dean andPattiMills are owners of Premier Kitchens, Collingwood.
We have been in
business here for 15
years andwewanted
to give back to this
community that has
supported us for all
these years.
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