ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2015 - page 64

Side/rear of house before
The newly rebuilt western red cedar
deckwas enlarged to1600 square
feet, and provides plenty of seating
for el fresco dining at theMealey’s
many backyard gatherings.
t all beganasasort-termsolution.
Sueand JohnMealey, alongwith their
teenage son Jake, were ina transitionperiod. Having relocatedpermanently to the
area fromToronto, theyhadsold the familychaletnearGeorgianPeaks,anddecided
to rent this littlehomewhileplanning theirnextmove. There issomething tobesaid for
convenience, expediencyand fate—before long the family realized theyhad fallen in
lovewith theproperty, itsexpansiveviewsand thehome’spotential. The then, nonde-
script, single story structurehada fewnotableattributes... anexpansiveandprivate
lot atop theEscarpment, sweeping, panoramic viewsandan intimatepositiondown
adramaticdriveway. They resolved tobuy itand rework thedwelling tobetter reflect
their taste, sensibilityand lifestyle.
“It’sagreat luxury to live inaspacebefore renovating it,”explainsSue. “Youalready
knowexactlywhat it needs.”
Theoutdatedhomeneededmore than justa littleTLC,beginningwithacompleteover-
haulof theseptic,well, foundationand roof.Well knownbuilders,PeterMetzgerand
AdamBurk of DueNorthCustomCarpentry, whowere enlistedas themainproject
builders, had theirworkcut out for them. Renovationsarealways full of surprizes.
Specializing ineverything fromcarpentry toconcrete formers,DueNorthCustom
Carpentryarecertainly thego-toguys for renovationsonbudget, andon time.
new views atop the hills
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