new views atop the hills
John’s best friend, whoalsohappens tobehis father, BrianMealey, is
responsible for the interesting character touches including the exterior
porticos and the log root chandeliers that adorn thehomeandbringa
decidedlycustom feel to thedwelling.Ultimately thisaestheticwouldbe-
come the themeof the remodel.
“A visit from the ‘OldGuy’ always draws a crowdwhether it’s tohear
his infamous stories or see himopen upbeer bottleswith his chainsaw
at full throttle.”
OneofBrianMealey’shandcarved, stoneandwoodbenches lines the
wall in the front foyer. A stunning statement of solidworkmanship, this
heirloom sparks conversations right from the first step into the house.
What’s the storywith this?Wheredidyou find it?
Thepreviousownersweremotocrossenthusiasts,much to thedelight of
Jake,whospendscountlesshours reworking theexistingbackyard track
andshaping itsburmsand trannies.Sincemostof theoutsideentertaining
happensduring thesummermonths, thenewly rebuiltwestern redcedar
deckwasenlarged to1600square feet,andprovidesplentyof seating
for el frescodiningat theMealey’s many backyardgatherings. Tem-
pered6mmglass allows for unobstructed views of the rolling, Escarp-
ment landscape beyond the property. Oversize timbers adorn the
portico,adding to themountain lodge feel,andwere suppliedbyTrans
TheMealy'swereapleasure toworkwith -withan infectious levelofex-
citement andappreciation.
Brian Mealey, John’s father, is
responsible for the interesting
character touches including the
exterior porticos and the log root
chandeliers that adorn the home
and bring a decidedly custom feel
to the dwelling.