ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2015 - page 78

make-overs refreshed & renewed
Graham - before
According to a recent study,
35%of all spa-goers in2014weremale.We have certainly
takennoteof this trendatKalolaSpa, promptingus todevelopa“Men’sSpecificMenu”which includes spa serv-
ices, barberingand specificallycraftedorganicproducts formen’s skincare, haircareandbodyneeds.
Graham Potter recently came touswithanopenmind, ready for a change.WebeganGraham's treatment with
‘TheRuggedManScrubandMassage’. Thismaple, brown sugar, essential oil, salt and sugar exfoliation is used
tocleanseand repair the skin,whichwe followwitha full body, relaxationmassage.Grahamwas then treated to
Kalola’s specializedMen's Facial whichhelps toaccelerate cell renewal using thepurest essential oils, minerals
andplantextracts. This treatmentminimizespores,polishesandbrightens theskinand instantly improveselasticity,
toneand texture. Theaddedbenefitsof reducingcongestionand relieving tension leaveyoucompletely relaxed.
WithGraham feeling relaxedand refreshed, heheadedup toTheSalonAtKalola tomeetSteve,who specializes
inmodernhairdesignandclassicbarbering.Grahamwanted tobe ridofhis longhairbutwasn’t surewhichdirec-
tion togo - withSteve’s input they settledona classic, gentleman’s barber cut witha trendy, modern twist. Steve
then conditionedGraham’s beardwithKalola’s own customblendedorganic BeardOil andprovideda clean
beard trimusinga straight bladeandKalola’sorganicShavingButter tocompletehisnew look.
“I'dbeengrowingmy hair since July,” explainsGraham. “I was ready for the change. Mygirlfriendwas a little
nervousbutweboth love theclassic, barber cut,modern twist. The straight blade shavewasamazing.”
As a finishing touchweaddeda teethwhitening toGraham’smakeover. This 15-minuteprocedurewill brighten
your smileup to3 shadeswhiter in just one treatment.
KalolaWellnessSpa&Salon BlueMountain Inn
BlueMountainResort 705.443.5808
877.445.0231ext. 6471
Eric’s ‘After’ clothingprovided
byRedDevil Sports
Source Guide...
I feel like
a newman,
ready to
take on the
I'd been growingmy hair since
July. I was ready for the change.
My girlfriendwas a little nervous
but we both love the classic,
barber cut, modern twist.
The straight blade shave
was amazing.
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