AngelaParker- before
AngelaParker- before
TheBestYou -TheCentre forPersonal Enhancement
10KeithAve#203 Collingwood 705.445.1007
25010thSt E OwenSound 519.371.1008
I hadbeenunhappy
with the shapeofmynose for
years.Mynosekeptme from feelingconfident. I hatedhav-
ingmypictures taken,unless theangleof thepicturewas just
right.Whilemy friends and family didn’t feel it was some-
thing I needed tohavedone, theywereall very supportive
knowinghow theprocedurewould improvemy life.
The staff andphysicians at The Best Youmademe feel re-
took place. Even the expectations for the healingprocess
weremade very clear tome. Iwas very impressedwith the
Ihave toldmanypeoplewhatawonderfulexperience Ihad
at theclinicandhowhappy Iamwith the results.Everybody
who knowsme says that I look great and the changewas
verynatural.My friendsand familyalsonoticedhowmuch
myconfidencehas improved.
Iamveryhappywithmyexperienceat TheBestYouand the
outcomeofmy surgery. Itwasoneof thebest decisions that
I havemade forme.Now I likehavingmypicture taken!”
Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Deniz Akyurekli performed a
RhinoplastyonAngela.Rhinoplasty, isaverygratifyingday
surgery procedure that reshapes the nose to create im-
provedcontours that fitmoreharmoniouslywithyour facial
features. The incisionsarewellhiddenandsurprisingly there
is littlediscomfort with healing. Most patients feel comfort-
able resumingwork and social activitieswithin one to two
weeks following rhinoplasty surgery.
Dr. Deniz Akyurekli is known for his ‘down to earth’ de-
meanour, sensible incremental approach, artistic sensibility
andunsurpassed technicalability.Hediligentlyensures that
clients, employeesandpartnersalwaysexperience theval-
ues uponwhich he founded The Best You: Trust, Kindness,
Professionalism, Safety andQuality. His goal is the happi-
nessof everyoneassociatedwithTheBest You.
make-overs refreshed & renewed
It was one of the best
decisions that I havemade for me.
Now I like havingmy picture taken!