are tobeexpected,but Iwasbeginning tonotice thatmyeyes seemed tobedisappearingunless
Iapplied linerandmascara—notahabit Igenerallywant todoeveryday.BethNigh,who I have
known and trustedas a skin-care expert, for a fewdecades, gently suggested I might consider
‘permanent’ eye liner—aka: tattoo. Sheexplained theprosandconsandoutlined (pun intended)
what I couldexpect from theprocedure. Themore I considered theconcept of “havingmyeyes
done” not surgically but cosmetically, and how nice it wouldbe towake upwith defined eyes
permanently ready togo, themore Iwonderedwhy I’dwaited so long todo this—TATTOOING
MYEYES!What abold idea.
Theentireprocedurewas done in three sittings of approximately40minutes. Beth, is a consum-
mateprofessional,whohasbeendoing thisprocedure forover30years.She is incrediblygentle,
informative, empathetic andpatient. I was a little nervous at first, just with the idea that shewas
working soclosely tomyeyesbut her experiencecalmedmeandyes, lidocainegel that sheap-
pliedas a ‘freezing’ helped. After each pass of the tattoo needle, Beth reapplied thegel, com-
pletelynumbing thearea,which trulykept thecomfort zone tolerable—thebuzzingof theneedle
might bea littleuncomfortable to somebut Iwas finewith it.
Basedonherexperience,Bethknows it isbetter tostart ‘small’andadddepth later, “Conservative
ismostpopular.” statesBeth.Wedecided toapplyawarmhue inkeepingwithmygreenisheyes
andBeth intensified the sizeand intensityof the lines inmy secondand third sittings.Cosmetic tat-
tooing lasts from four to seven years and canbeeasily touched up if it fades too soon. Intensity
andcolour canbechanged too in subsequent visits.
YoumustbediligentwithcareandhealingandBethgavemedetailed instructions.Myeyeswere
slightly swollenand sore for about aday, but it didn’t interferewithmy regular routine. Initially,
there is a scabaround the eyes that sloughs off and subsides by the fifth day. Aweek after the
final procedure Iwas totallyandcompletelyTHRILLEDwithmynewpermanent eyeliner. Tocom-
pletemynewbut natural look, Eyelashextensionswere the icingon thecake.Bethusedavariety
of lash lengths, whichwere attachedone by one, onto each of my natural lashes. Bethwas so
gentle therewere times that I thought shewas finished, because I couldn’t feel anythingat all. I
evendozedoff foraboutahalfhour.Bethalso tintedmybrowsslightly fordefinition.Brow tattoo-
ing is another popular permanent technique. Beth uses a feathering techniquewhich keeps the
brows lookingverynatural.
Everyday now, I wake upwithbeautifullydefined eyes, anddon’t need to ‘do’ anythingother
thanapplymynormalmoisturizerandsunscreen. Ihavenoneed formascaraand ‘refills’of lashes
aredoneabout every threeweeksor so. I’m soglad I did this formy ‘aging’ eyes. It’sgiven them
a fresh sparkleand it’sawonderful time saver especiallywhen travelling—I caneven swim in the
oceanandmyeyes comeout of thewaves still looking fine.
before tattoo - no makeup
before tattoo - no makeup
after tattoo - no makeup
after tattoo - no makeup
after tattoo & lashes - no makeup
after tattoo & lashes - no makeup
Collingwood 519.888.8071
Source Guide...
Permanent eyeliner and
eyelash extensionsmake
life simple for busy
women on the go,
regardless of their age.