Melinda isabusymotherof two,
whowas ready fora transformation
tomake her feel more youthful and refreshed. She had triedBotoxCosmetic
was familiarwithhow it canquickly smoothout forehead linesand shewas curious
about some of the other enhancements that are now available locally, so she
bookedapersonal consultationand skinanalysiswithKathyde Langley R.N. at
The Thornbury Laser Clinic. Kathy has beenprovidingmedical esthetic enhance-
ments for over 15 years. Kathy hasworkedwithDr. TimRemillardat Thornbury
Laser Clinic since2012. It was during thismeeting thatMelinda expressed her
concernsandgathered the informationneeded todecidewhichparticular
treatmentswouldbebest for herandher lifestyle.
Melinda’s concerns includedskincareand treatments for sundamage, redness
andblotchy skinaswell aswrinkles and saggingdue to loss of facial volume
due toage. Shewas a littleuneasywithhavingnew thingsdoneand
preferred tohave treatmentsdone ingradual, incremental steps. Shealso
didn’twant anynoticeabledowntime.
Aftercareful consideration,Melindadecided tohaveskin rejuvenationwith
IntensePulsed Light or IPL treatment toaddress her facial redness and sun
damage. Matrix fractional skin resurfacingwasalsodone to improve theskin
textureby tighteningand lifting the skinand improving fine linesandpore size.
make-overs refreshed & renewed
Melinda - before