Manyof theMealey’s talented friendswerewilling to lend
a hand, beginningwithworld renownedarchitect Gene
on thebuild concept. Theblueprintswere further refined
byDesigner JacquelineVanStrienofVanStrienDevelop-
states, “TheMealeyswereapleasure toworkwith - with
an infectious level of excitement andappreciation.Wewerehonoured tobeapart of
avery talentedanddedicatedgroupof local designers, suppliersand trades.”
The project was akin toa historical barn raising, with capable friends stoppingby to
helpwherever theycould, including John’shockeybuddieswhoproved invaluablewith
ahammer or anexcavator inexchange for acoldbeer anda laugh. Veteranbuilders
LaurenceOliver,Dan LaFond, JerryPatten,DaveEaton, Paul RogersandBlakeFarrow
eachbrought their individual strengthsandcreativity to thebuild.Aswithany renovation
project, stayingon budget oftenmeans a littleDIY—naturally all three of theMealeys
happilygot their handsdirtyduring thehome’s transformation.
To brighten the interior, thewindow openings were enlarged and the ceilings were
raised18 inches throughout,making thehouse feel roomier and sturdier. Theupdated
ceiling isclearpinewith roughsawn, face finish, tongueandgroovewithmachine finish
done by Trans CanadaWood Products Ltd. Recessed lighting allows unobstructed
365°viewsof the landscapebeyond thewalls,whilecreating lotsofdramaticambiance
when the sungoesdown.
Being co-owners of CedarportWindowandDoor Centre, the family put their trust in
business partnerDianeScott, whohasmore than20 years experiencewithwindows.
Theydecidedon PellaArchitect series, featuring12 foot bi-partingdoors that arealu-
minum cladon theoutsideand clear pine inside. “It trulymakes adifference to utilize
qualityproducts in this typeofbuildandexposure,”explains John. “Iactuallynevercon-
sideredanythingother thanwhat Diane hadadvised so thewindowprocesswas the
easiest part of the renovation.”
It’s a great luxury to live in a space
before renovating it—you already
know exactlywhat it needs.
Front of house before
The previous ownerswere
motocross enthusiasts, much to
the delight of Jake, who spends
countless hours reworking the
existing backyard track and
shaping it’s berms and trannies.