General principles for ideal running technique
(i)keep your head up tall with your ears over your shoulders; (ii) keep
yourheadstraightand lookapproximately20metres in frontofyou (un-
less you’re runninguphill thenyoumayneed to look closer toyour feet
toensureproper footing); (iii) try tobringyour knees higher (thiswill in-
creaseyourcadenceandhelpavoidover-striding,whichcan lead to in-
creasedstresson thebodyandalsoslowyoudown); (iv)your feet should
strike the ground under your body and landingwith amid- to forefoot
positional is optimal; (v) arms shouldbepumping straight forwardand
backwardwith theelbowsittingatapproximately90ºand the fistgently
claspedor relaxed (arms should not cross themidlineof thebodyand
the core should stay tight); anda final tip (vi) after theback legpushes
off from theground theheel shouldcomeup towards thebuttockbefore
coming forwardagain leadingwith theknee.
Equipment isanoftenoverlookedarea that
caneitherpreventor lead to injury if notadequatelyaddressed. Proper
footwear for the typeof terrain (roadvs. trail), runningsocks,anti-chaffing
cream,andnutritionandhydrationproductsareall importantareas that
need tobe considered. Somethingas simple as ablister on a runner’s
heel can change theway the foot lands, leading tooverloading inan-
other area of the body. Another less obvious but very important tool
wouldbe seekingout the servicesof aqualifiedcoachor amoreexpe-
rienced runner toact asamentor tohelpdevelopand stick toaproper
trainingprogramandavoidpitfalls thatmay lead to injury.
Establishingproper training habits, focusingon technique, addressing
imbalancesandweaknessesandensuringyouhave the rightequipment
areall important steps tohelpingyouhaveanenjoyable runningseason!
If youdoget an injury, seek theadviceofaqualifiedprofessional toget
youbackon track tomeet your goalswhether it’s your first 5kmor your
GlennWark, Physiotherapist/Owner Peak to Shore Physiotherapy, Collingwood
Hon.BHSc, MScPT, MClSc, FCAMPT, Cert. Sport Physiotherapy
Certified NCCP Triathlon Coach Ironman Triathlete