This summer,
Leith Church celebrates its
Anniversary. Originally an “Auld Kirk”
(Churchof Scotland) PresbyterianChurch, it is one
of the finestexamplesofpre-Confederationarchitec-
ture in theMunicipality ofMeaford. As such, it is
nowadesignatedheritage siteunder theOntarioHeritageAct.
A key player in the church’s history, AdamAinslie, moved to Leith in
1858 fromGalt.Hepurchasedall theavailableproperty in Leith, and
in1864, theAinslie familydonated twoacresof land forachurchand
cemetery. The localChurchofScotlandcongregationwasable toerect
a redbrick church that was completedby the endof 1865. The first
serviceswereheld in January, 1866.
Shortlyafter thechurchwasbuilt, JamesCroil, anagent of TheChurch
ofScotland, visitedLeith in1866.Croilnoted that: “Leithwasbeautifully
situatedonOwen Sound, anda tasteful brick churchwas erected in
1865, at acost of $1,300.”He includeda simple sketchof thechurch
inhis journalwhich shows theplain rectangular church, surroundedby
tree stumps.
Thedesignof thechurch follows the traditionof simplechapel building
with the largewindows, boxpewsand lackof ornamentation reflected
Scottish roots. Ahighboxpulpitemphasized the importanceofpreach-
ing, and the church’s rectangular shape, plaster andwooden floors
havegiven this simpleedifice splendidacoustics.
Thecongregationvoted in1925 to join theUnitedChurchofCanada,
and regular servicescontinueduntil1969.At that time, becauseof fail-
ingnumbers, thechurchwas closed.
Grey Presbytery passed a resolution in 1972
favouring thepreservationof thechurchasa“His-
toricalCentre”. In1992, theChurchwasgranted
an Ontario Heritage designation, and a group
calledTheFriendsof LeithChurch formed to restore
and maintain this historic site. Over the ensuing
years, thisgroupof dedicatedvolunteers raised fundsand restored the
church to its formerbeauty.
Thecemeterywhichsurrounds thechurch isalsoaheritagesite,andcon-
tains thegravesofmanyScottishpioneers. Themost famous tombstone
marks thegraveof theCanadian landscapepainter,TomThomson,who
attended LeithChurchwhenhis family livednearby.
LeithChurch is the intimate venue for the LeithSummer Festival, anan-
nual concert series in JulyandAugust. This summer, the stellar lineupof
musicians features: TheGryphonTrio; RebeccaCaineandRobertKort-
gaard; DavidMcfarlane andDouglas Cameron; JulieNesrallah and
Caroline Leonardelli; and Isabel BayrakdarianandSerouj Kradjian.
TheFriendsof LeithChurchhaveorganizedaweekendof celebrations
for the150
Anniversary.OnAugust 1, therewillbeaCountryMarket
from10a.m.–3p.m.,andaCeilidhat7p.m. featuringsingers,dancers
andpipers. OnAugust 2, theAnniversaryChurchServicewill beheld
at 11a.m. with aguest preacher. On both days, therewill be a self-
guidedWalking Tour of historic houses andbuildings in the villageof
Details can be found at
Story | Mary Reynolds