ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2015 - page 94

There’sa littlegem inCollingwood,
lovedbymany…butalsounknown tomany.
And that is trulyashame! TheatreCollingwood iscelebrating their31
Anniversary thisyear,pre-
senting liveprofessional theatre inour regionat TheHistoricGayetyTheatre indowntownColling-
wood. If youhavenever been toa TheatreCollingwood show, or if youhaven’t been for a long
time, youaremissingout on something special andwehighly recommendyoucheck themout.
The company has changeda lot over the years, andespecially in the last three years. Executive
Director, EricaAngus, has spent the last threeyearsdevelopingamodel that seems tobeworking
reallywell. At the timeofwriting thisarticle thecompany isup38% in ticket sales todatecompared
to the previous year. Angus anda teamof dedicated staff and the Boardof Directors are now
workingwithother regional theatrecompanies tobring thebestof summer theatre toCollingwood,
therefore sharing costs and talent with the other companies. This enables awide variety of pro-
gramming. You’ll want to take in one or more of their entertainingproductions. Best prices are
available for subscribers andgroups. They alsoarepart of the EyeGoprogram for high school
studentswhichallows those students$5 tickets! FromMay toSeptember theypresent aweekof
programmingeachmonth in theirSummer TheatreFestival.
May saw thepresentationofDanNeedle’s latest playBacoNoir,and set records for ticket sales.
June23—27 thecompanypresentedMemoriesof RockandRollwhich ledusonanostalgic ride
back to the ‘50s, guidedby thepersonificationofAlanFreed. July28—August 1 theywill present
OneMoment, aplaywrittenbyCanada’smost prolificplaywright,NormFoster. It isa funnyand
touchingmusical about 6employeesworking inacall centre selling self-helpDVDs.
August 25—29will bring I LoveYou, You’re Perfect,NowChange! This
isperhapsoneof themost attended scriptsworld-wide, and sure tobring
a lot of great laughs inCollingwood. Writtenasa seriesof vignettes, this
musical comedy speaks to the trialsand tribulationsof love.
FromSeptember17—19 fansofCBCRadio’sTomAllenwillbedelighted
at FromWeimer toVaudeville. This concert style production features in-
credibly talented&highly respectedmusicians (PatriciaO’Callaghanand
KevinFox toname two),whowill guide theaudience through the storyof
twosonsofmusical royalty, from the20s&30s. Auniqueexperienceand
not tobemissed.
Theentertainmentdoesn’t stop thereasTheatreCollingwoodwillpresent,
for one night only, ShirleyValentine,October 24
. This touching, funny
and familiar story takes the formofamonologuebyamiddle-aged,work-
ing class Liverpool housewifeand focuses on her lifebeforeandafter a
For thosewho LOVE LeisaWay (andwe know therearemillions of you
out there) TheatreCollingwoodwill bepresentingavery special holiday
showDec.18 -19withHaveYourselfaSwingingLittleCountryChristmas.
LeisaWayand TheWaywardWindband, alongwith sensational guest
performers,will share their favourite seasonal songs. With livelyhumour,
toe tapping fiddle playing& festive holiday cheer, this captivating new
concert isdestined tobecomea favouriteChristmas tradition!
For more information and to purchase tickets call 705-445-2200 or visit
Or drop by the newBoxOffice at the back entrance of 115Hurontario Street, Collingwood.
Our full-service approach enables you toplan
your entire event inone stop. From large scale
tents that accommodate hundreds to canopies
and arches for that decorative touch.
We have the chairs, tables, linens, place settings,
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barbeques, centrepieces, games, and numerous
other special items that it takes to create the
atmosphere youwant and treat your guests
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Helping create life'smostmemorable events
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