That next jumpup is to the true ridingareas, suchas3Stage—with theextra treat
that this riding isalsochallenging foryou.At thispointa26 inchwheelandasus-
pension fork is almost essential. The rocks and roots make ridingwithout that
equipment very difficult and not conducive to skill progression. A26-27.5 trail
hardtailwithdiskbrakes is perfect. Agoodway to start is to findaneasier loop
andgroove it fora few laps.Theopeningsingle trackoff themain3Stageparking
area isperfect for this,andwhenyouget to theold roadyoucan just ride it back
to the start and lapagain. 3-4 lapswill developconfidenceandyouwill see im-
mediate improvement.After that, try theeasier trailsat thewesternendof3Stage.
Theyare less rockyanddon’t haveany really steep sections. Remember that this
is a significant step upandwill be exhausting for the first few rides, so keepan
eyeonyour rider and feed them regularlyalong theway (stroopwaffles rather
thanpopsicles,but sameconcept).Once theyareat this level itsvery fun towatch
andencourage them,buta littlescarywhen itbecomesapparent that youwillbe
theonedoing thechasingbefore too long.
Thekidsarecallingon the trail thisyear—get on theirwheel.
kids riding trail