ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2015 - page 74

In September 2013, GreyHighlands council accepteda recommen-
dation ina reportbyCAODanBest to takecontrolof thepropertywith
a view toeventuallydisposingof it. Best then set about securingassur-
ances from the federalgovernment that theTalismanpropertywasclear
of any federal lienswhichcleared theway for the saleof theproperty.
BrianEllishasa longhistorywith theentireSouthernGeorgianBay re-
gionwhere he and hiswife Therese have been summer residents for
over40years.Mostespecially,he reveres thepeace, calmandpristine
beautyof theBeaver Valley.He fondly remembers TalismanResort as
it hadbeen. It waswhere Theresehad learned to ski. “In fact,” smiles
Brian, emulatingRemingtonShaveradds from the80s, “We loved it so
much,webought it.”
Ellis, andhispartnersWayne Levyand realtor PhilCalvano, areexpe-
rienced and successful Real EstateDevelopers. Generally however,
theyare involvedwithnewbuildsnotmajor renovationprojects likeTal-
isman. “Wedidour duediligencewithengineersand immediatelyde-
manded that securitybeput inplace.” saysBrian. “Weknewwhatwe
were facingbothwith thepropertyandwith theGreyHighlandsCoun-
cil. Dan Best understoodour vision andwas highly instrumental in as-
sistingwith ideasaswellas thestumblingblocksof theproject right from
The scope of the re-development of Talisman is enormous. It’s a total
restoration from the insideout that beganwith eradicating themould.
inmould inspection, control, remediation and indoor air quality, was
brought in. BuildingOne had themost extensivedamage—everything
had to go—down to the bare studs. Engineers dealt with and solved
major drainage issues outside. The rot was eliminatedand the rebuild
began—neweverything. InBuildingTwo, thehotel,every roomwasalso
stripped to itsbones,newdoorsandwindows installedanda total face-
lift of freshdecor is currently takingplace.
The new “TalismanMountainSprings Inn”will havea subtle, upscale
elegance, quite unlike its former self. “Thiswill be thedestination spot
for the region,”statesBrian.Heenlisted the talentsofwell known Interior
Designer, SilvieKremp towork onand coordinate the new look. Edu-
cated at the Blocherer School of design inMunich and the Parsons
School of design inNewYork, Silviebrings both an academic anda
personal cross-cultural perspective to her design approach. The new
designswillbea thoughtfulblendof thebestmemories fromTalisman’s
pastwoven intopresent day style, timeless comfort and luxury.
The new TalismanMountainSprings Inn
will be a far cry from its former sad self
and if all goes according to plan, it will
re-open this Fall as an elegant but casual
destination Innwith beautifully appointed
facilitieswhere nothing has been
overlooked except the view.
talisman then and now...
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